Chapter 16

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Micah POV

I blow on my hands and bounce up and down.

'Goddamn, it's cold. And snowing!'

I pull my hat down over my ears and watch the game in front of me.

Halftime gets called and I watch as the team piles inside.

I walk to the concourse to use the bathroom and try to warm up, grabbing some coffee and heading back down to the stands.

I sit and watch as Alex comes out and smile when she takes her coat off.

'She's coming on.'

She walks to the halfway line and bounces up and down then turns back to find me.

She holds her hand up.

I love you.

I smile and sign back.

I love you, I'm so proud.

She smiles and takes off onto the field.

I take a deep breath and cough.

'Why was that hard? Must be the cold weather.'

I shake my head and watch the game, occasionally rubbing my chest.

Abby Wambach scores in the 60th minute, but the game continues on with the US winning 1-0.

They shake hands and Alex runs over.

You played amazing!

She smiles and stares at me.

Are you okay? Your lips are blue.

I nod and suck a breath in, coughing, unable to catch my breath.

'Don't do this to me now.'

Alex POV - later that evening

I peel off my cleats and look up to see Micah, hooked up to machines.

I sigh and just feel tears welling in my eyes.

"Fuck, get it together, Alex." I whisper under my breath.

I hear a knock and look up to see Ash.

She looks about as distraught as I do.

"Hey. I just got off the phone with Haley, she's talking with the doctor's here."

I nod.

Ash looks up, "Alex, it's not good."

I sniffle.

"She needs another surgery, they're going to implant something called an LVAD? Going to buy her some time. And we?"

I look up.

"We are going to hope and pray to whoever we have to that she gets a heart."

I nod and put my hand over my face.

I cry and look up at Micah when I hear a groan.

I wipe my face and grab Micah's hand.

Her eyes open and she stares at me.

Hey. You're okay.

She closes her eyes and signs.

I'm not, but I will be?

I nod.

You need another surgery. An L-V-A-D.

Her eyes widen and she shakes her head.

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