Chapter 5

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Alex POV -

"So how's Cal, sis?" Jen asks me.

I smile, "It's great! It's a cool campus and the team is pretty great obviously."

"Nice! Any cute guys?" She asks.

I immediately feel uncomfortable and stare at my food.

"There have to be, right honey?" My mom asks.

"Listen, I told you at the beginning of summer that I'm not interested in guys. I'm gay and you know what-" I start to raise my voice.

"Alex, that's enough! Do not raise your voice." My dad says.

I stare at him and clench my fists, "You guys think this is a phase? Because it's not, okay?"

"Honey, you have to see it from our side. How this is going to affect us." My mom says.

My eyes widen, "Affects you? Are you kidding me?"

I stand up and shake my head, "If you can't support me off of the soccer field, then don't support me on it."

With that, I head for the door and wipe my face furiously.

I hop in an Uber and head back to the hotel, wanting to see only one person.

I arrive back and head for the elevators.

I ride up and head straight for Micah and Ash's room, knocking on the door.

I wait with no answer and facepalm.

I pull out my phone.

Me: Hey, where are you? I'm at your hotel room.

I wait with no response and decide to call Ash.


"Hey, where's Micah?" I ask.

"Huh? I'm not sure. I went out with Ali. I told her to stay with people though because I don't like her to be alone." She says.

I bob my head.

"I texted her with no response, but I'll look downstairs."

"Okay, keep me posted. You good?" She asks.

I sigh, "Not really. That's why I was looking for her."

"She should be around. I mean sometimes she wanders, but her sister hates that."

I bob my head, "Okay. I'll find her."

I hang up and head back down the elevator in search of her.

I look in the lobby, but don't see her. I head to the conference room and don't see her there either.

I start to get worried when I see someone in the pool, floating.

I stop and walk in, letting out a breath when I see that it's Micah.

She has her eyes closed and I smile at how peaceful she looks.

I look around and smile when I see a ball.

I pick it up, launching it at her, hitting her in the leg.

She shoots up, startled and stands up.

I chuckle and smile then wave.

She smiles and waves and points to the water.

I shake my head and sit on the edge, putting my feet in.

She swims over and stands between my legs.

"Why the shirt?" I ask.

She goes to sign, but sighs and reaches for my phone.

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