Chapter 9

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Micah POV

I open my eyes and see nothing but a blurry room.

I glance around and feel a weight on my left thigh.

I blink again and see chestnut brown hair, which makes me smile.

I squeeze her hand, which doesn't alert her.

I squeeze again harder and she lifts her head up.

She makes eye contact with me and smiles.

"Hi, you."

I smile and lift my hand up.

She gets up and leans in, pressing a kiss to my lips.

She pulls back.

How are you?

I smile and sign.

Tired, in pain.

Her eyes widen and she reaches for my phone.

"So your sister helped me with some signs, but I didn't catch those." She says sheepishly.

I smile and type.

I said I'm tired and in pain.

She sighs, "Doctor said it went well, no complications. Just a one night stay."

I nod and type again.

Okay. You'll stay tonight?

She sighs, "Not sure if I can, babe. I don't know the rules."

I pout and then type.

I'll talk to doc, she has a soft spot for me.

She smiles, "Who wouldn't have a soft spot for you?"

I smile and watch as Alex looks at the door.

Hey, you're awake!

I nod.

Yeah, I'm still tired and in pain. Also, can I have someone sleep in here tonight?

She stares at me.

I can get a pain medication. You want your girlfriend to stay?

I shrug.

Worried something might happen to me.

She sighs.

Nothing will happen. It was a successful fix. I'm not going to lie and say things are better, but it's okay right now.

I bob my head and look at Alex who's watching us.

I type on my phone.

You can stay.

She smiles and nods, "Thank you Doctor Knight."

"Anything to keep this one happy."

She starts signing and talking.

Alright, I'll put in an order for pain medication. Get some rest.

I nod and look at Alex. I scoot over and point.

"You want me to get in the bed?"

I nod and smile.

She stands and crawls in and I kiss her cheek.

She grabs my hand and I sigh.

I look up when I sense my sister.


I smile.


She glances at Alex.

Having a sleepover?

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