Chapter 21

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Micah POV - next day

I rub my face as I watch Alex sign.

I try to keep up, but just feel hazy.

I feel a squeeze and focus on Alex.

You okay?

I bite my lip and nod.

She visibly sighs.

Why are you lying to me?

I stare at her.

I'm not.

She squints at me.

You are, you bite your lip when you're nervous or hiding something.

I clench my jaw.

She reaches her hand across and grabs mine, rubbing my knuckles.

Please talk to me.

I shake my head.

I don't need to talk.

I stand up abruptly and take off to the bathroom, locking myself into a stall.

I try to calm down and not think about what Alex was trying to get at.

I reach into my pocket and pull out the plastic bag with two pills in it.

I stare at them and rub my face.

'Just need a break.'

I throw them in to my mouth and swallow, closing my eyes.

I stand up and open the stall, nearly knocking Alex over.

She's glaring at me.

What is going on?

I swallow thickly and just look at my feet then look back up.

Nothing, stop pushing.

Her glare hardens and she quickly grabs my hips and reaches into my pocket, pulling out the empty ziplock.

She looks at it and then looks at me.

Mic. What the hell is going on?

I start to get angry and push past her.

She tries to grab me, but I pull my arm out of her grasp.


She softens.

No! Correction, I did die! I died and I'm remembering weird shit.

I point at the ziplock.

Those are getting me through! And it's none of your business!

She takes a step towards me and hardens her look.

You're abusing pills! What pills, I'm not sure, but I'm your girlfriend, it is my business and I will get to the bottom of it. You need help!

I start to feel anxious and need to escape this situation, but my emotions overtake me.

My girlfriend who left me! You weren't here for the last month so you don't get an opinion on what I need to be doing.

Her eyes widen and she shakes her head and turns to leave the bathroom.

She turns back once she hits the door.

I didn't want to go, I wanted nothing but to be here, but I did my best. Call me when you've cooled off.

I can see tears in her eyes and she walks out the door.

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