Chapter 8

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Micah POV - next morning

I open my eyes and see the light pouring in.

I look down and see Alex snoozing away on my chest, which makes me smile.

I lean down and kiss her head and squeeze her tighter.

I think about last night and smile.

I had so much fun and man, is she good.

I feel her start to stir and watch as her eyes open and a smile washes over her face.

Good morning.

I smile.


She leans in and connects our lips and pulls back.

"Last night was...pretty amazing." She says as I read her lips.

I feel my cheeks heat up and search for my phone.

It was, huh? I'm just that good.

She laughs, "You are. I'll admit. My whole body hurts."

My eyes widen.

She reaches out and rubs my cheek, "Hey, it's okay. Hurt in a good way. I'm hungry. Are you okay?"

I yawn.

I'm tired. Been more tired lately.

"Is that normal? To be tired?"

I bob my head.

It can be.

She frowns, "I want to talk to your sister."

My eyes widen and I shake my head.

She glares at me and I gulp.


"I hope that sign was either okay or yes, babe. Because I just want to make sure that you're okay."

I nod.

Can we go back to sleep for a little bit?

She shakes her head, "Breakfast and then nap? I need to go to the library today. Do you have homework for your other classes?"

I nod.

Yeah, quite a bit actually.

"Okay, so let's eat, take a quick nap and go to the library."

I yawn and wrap my arms around her and pull myself on top of her.

She smiles, "Real smooth."

I smile and lean in to kiss her.

I quickly get lost and feel her moan, which turns me on.

I go to move my hand when she pulls away, locks her legs around me, and flips me over.

I stare at her.

She shrugs, "I'm strong. Let's go, babe!"

She pats my chest and gets up.

'This girl.'

Alex POV -

I watch as Micah reads her textbook and jots notes down.

I find myself worrying about her and feel my phone vibrate.

Haley: hey. Is Micah okay? What's up?

Me: I'm not exactly sure. She said she's been more tired lately. But that that's normal?

Haley types.

Haley: That's not exactly normal. I mean it's a symptom for sure. Ask her what her heart rate is, she has a watch.

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