Chapter 11

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Micah - one week later

You're mopey.

I stare at Ash and shrug.

You miss Alex?

I stare at her.

Yeah. I do.

She starts smiling.


She rubs her hands together.

Laser tag?

I smile wide and nod frantically.

Come on, let's go.

We head out and hop into the car, pulling into the laser tag warehouse.

Okay, so let's have fun, but also don't die. So take it easy, stop if something feels weird.

I give her a thumbs up and we get out, heading inside.

My phone buzzes.

Alex🥰: I miss you.

I smile.

Me: I miss you too.

I see the bubbles pop up.

Alex🥰: what are you doing?

My eyes widen.

Me: hanging with Ash

I pocket my phone and follow Ash, who gets us all set up.

Okay, us versus like 15 10-year-olds.

I smile.

Let's go crush them like bugs.

Alex POV

I stare at my phone and sigh.

"What's eating you, Morgan?"

I look up and see Kelley.

"Just wondering where my girlfriend could be."

She chuckles, "What's her name again?"

I smile, "Micah, this is her."

I hold up my phone that's displaying a selfie of us at the fields.

"Oof, she's cute."

"Yep, she is!"

"Does she play soccer at Cal too?" She asks.

I shake my head, "No. I mean, she helps out with the team, but she can't play."

"She can't play? Why not?" She asks.

"First thing is that she's deaf."

Her eyes widen, "Like can't hear at all?"

I shake my head, "Not at all."

"Whoa. I have so many questions, but wait you said first thing, so there must be something else."

I bob my head, "She's in heart failure, she needs a transplant."

Her eyes widen further, "Holy shit."

I nod, "So no soccer for her, but she still messes around."

She stares at me, "Wait. I have so many questions."

"Ask away."

"Okay, so you must know sign language."

"I know a bit, but I'm still learning." I say and sign.

"Oh, dope! That's so cool. Wait, how long have you been together?"

I think about it, "Like three months."

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