Chapter 12

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Micah POV - a few days later

I stare at Alex who is busy, studying away.

I bite my lip.

Alex was really upset with me after I just took off.

I haven't really told anyone what exactly my mom said to me, not even Haley.

When I think about what was said, I feel all sorts of shame and embarrassment about it.

I sigh and Alex looks up.

What's wrong?

I shake my head.


I watch her visibly sigh.

It's not nothing.

I bob my head.

Are you still mad at me?

She shakes her head.

No. I was worried. You scared me.

I bob my head.

I'm sorry.

Micah, what happened?

I shake my head and pull my phone out.

I type and slides it to her.

I watch as she reads and just put my head down on top of my crossed arms.

She looks up, "She called you that?"

I shrug and nod.

She stands up and walks over to sit next to me.

I feel her run my back and I wipe my eyes.

I'm so devastated by it.

She nods.

You have every right to be, but you know what?

I stare at her.

You are amazing. You're smart, going to be a doctor one day, babe.

I smile slightly.

She doesn't know anything about you.

I sigh and nod.

I know. Just with the procedure and I feel like I'm a ticking time bomb, I wanted to meet her.

She sighs visibly.

Babe, you're going to get a new heart. You're not going anywhere. Okay? I need you to believe that.

I lean my forehead against hers and close my eyes.

I feel her rub her thumbs on my cheeks and open my eyes.

"I need you to believe it because I believe it."

I sniffle and nod.

She leans in and presses her lips to mine then pulls away.

Do you need help with anatomy?

I smirk.

I know a way that you can help me.

I watch as she shakes her head.

Maybe later. First I'll help you with flashcards, then you can apply it later.

I feel a smile creep onto my face and nod.

She rubs my cheek.

She presses her lips against mine and pulls away, grabbing my flashcards.

'I think I love her.'

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