Chapter 22

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Alex POV - four months later

"She's acting weird." I say.

Tobin chuckles, "Your girlfriend is a little weird, I have to say."

I slap her shoulder, "She is not."

She gives me a look and I groan, "Okay, but she's my weird girlfriend."

She chuckles, "You ever think that she is up to something good?"

I shake my head, "We are talking about Micah, right? She always has some wild ideas and I want her to still be taking it easy."

"It's been like almost a year since her transplant?" She asks.

I nod, "A year next month."

She softens, "Alex. She's okay. You don't have to worry."

I bite my lip, "I nearly lost her. I can't help but worry."

She nods, "Okay, but don't let this fear of losing her prevent you from having an enjoyable life with her, you know? Let her live her life."

I think about what she said and sigh, "You're right."

She chuckles, "I'm always right, Al."

I swat her shoulder, "Idiot."

She smiles and looks behind me, "Welp there's your lover girl now!"

I turn around and smile when I see her and Sadie, who is in her little thorns jersey.

I stand up and jog over to her, leaning in and pressing my lips against hers.

I pull away and she smiles wider.

Hi babe! What are you doing here?

She shrugs.

I knew that your training was going to be over and I wanted to meet you. See if you'd want to walk with me and Sadie.

I smile and nod.

I'd love to walk. Let me shower quick.

She nods and I can tell that she's nervous.

I kiss her cheek and head to the locker room, quickly showering, but wondering why Micah has been acting weird.

I get dressed and walk out, seeing her petting Sadie.

I touch her shoulder and she jumps.

She turns and my eyes widen.

Didn't mean to scare you.

She smiles.

It's okay.

I place my hand on her cheek and lean in, pressing my lips against hers.

I pull back and smile.


She nods and grabs my hand.

We walk through the city until we hit Washington park.

I stop and shake her hand.

I love this park.

She bobs her head.

I know.

She pulls me along and we hit the Japanese garden.

As we do, I notice the sunset and smile.

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