Chapter 14

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Alex POV - next day

I yawn and rub Micah's cheek.

I turn my head and watch as her chest rises and falls.

I scan her body and bite my lip when I stare at her face.

'I just wish I could kiss her.'

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Syd.

"Hey, how's she doing?"

I turn back to Micah, "She's okay. She needs to wake up."

"Doctor said it could take a little bit, right?" She asks.

I nod, "Right. I just want to see her eyes."

She sighs, "I know. Did you eat?"

I shake my head, "I'm not hungry."

"You are. You need to eat, dude. I'm not asking you to leave the hospital, just downstairs to the cafeteria." She says.

"No. I'm not leaving her to wake up alone."

"You aren't."

I turn and see Ash.

I turn to look at Syd, "Come on. It'll be fast. You have to eat."

I nod and turn to look at Micah.

I bring her hand to my lips.

"I'll be right back, babe." I whisper against it.

I stand up and look at Ash, "Text me."

She nods, "I will."

I follow Syd out and we head to the cafeteria.

I stop walking and Syd stops, "Hey, you good?"

I bite my lip and feel my eyes fill with tears.

"No." I choke out.

She walks back and wraps me in a hug.

I feel tears run down my cheeks and Syd just rubs my back, "It's okay, dude."

"It's not. Oh my god, it's not." I pull away and wipe my face.

She looks at me sadly.

"She's going to wake up." She says.

I nod, "I know, but fuck, this is so hard."

She sighs, "Someone you love is lying up in that hospital bed and you can't help her. Of course it's hard, but you'll be here when she wakes up and you're going to get her through this."

I sniffle and nod, "Yeah, you're right."

"Of course I am. Now let's feed you."

I wipe my face and nod.

Micah POV

I open my eyes, but my vision is blurred.

I feel an unbearable pain in my chest, like I've been hit by a bus.

I blink and feel something in my throat.

'Fuck. What the fuck is that.'

I reach up and try to grab it when a hand stops me.

I start to panic more, but see my sister come into my view.

Stop. Stop, okay? You're okay.

I start signing.

Out. I want it out.

She frowns.

Not yet.

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