Chapter 17

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Micah POV - one week later

I feel someone shaking my shoulder and open my eyes.

I yawn and then look out.

I turn back and sign.

We're here?

She smiles and nods, but I can tell that she's nervous.

I grab her hand and squeeze.

Don't be nervous. I got you.

She leans over and presses a kiss to my lips then pulls back.

I love you, you know that?

I smile and nod then let go of her hand.

I love you too.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of her car, looking at the house.

'We grew up vastly different.'

A hand grabs mine and I jump.

You okay?

I nod.

Just admiring your house.

She smiles and pulls me along to the front door.

I take a deep breath and let it out.

The door swings open and a woman who looks like an older version of Alex appears.

She starts talking and pulls Alex in for a hug, pulling her hand out of mine.

I watch and can feel myself getting more nervous.

I watch as Alex pulls away and her mom is smiling at me.

She starts talking and Alex immediately starts signing.

Hi, I'm P-A-M, it's so nice to finally meet you, Micah.

I smile and nod.

It's nice to meet you too.

Alex interprets for her mom and she smiles, turning to head inside.

Alex reaches for my hand and we step inside her home.

She pulls me to the kitchen and I see who I am guessing is her dad and one of her sisters.

Alex looks at me.

This is my dad, M-I-K-E and my sister, J-E-R-I.

I smile and wave.

Hi, I'm M-I-C-A-H, nice to meet you all.

Alex interprets and turns back to me, grabbing my hand.

"If you look at her, she's an expert lip reader." Alex says.

I smile and nod, giving a thumbs up.

My eyes work fine, it's my ears that don't.

Alex interprets and smiles.

"You're perfect."

I feel my cheeks heat up and look down.

"Do you cook?" Alex's mom asks me.

I nod and pull my phone out.

I used to cook for myself a lot. My sister taught me.

Alex squeezes my hand.

"You're a great cook." She says and I read her lips.

I smile and look at Alex's mom.

"Great, can you help chop?"

I smile and nod, kissing Alex on the cheek and walking over.

She hands me a knife and some vegetables to chop and I get to work.

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