Chapter 7

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Alex POV - the next morning

I wake up and slowly my eyes flutter open.

I squint at the morning light coming in and try to locate a clock, but fail.

I close my eyes with my ear pressed against Micah's chest.

Thump thump, thump thump.

The sound relaxes me and worries me all at the same time.

I feel arms tighten around and look up to see Micah still asleep.

I let out a breath and keep listening, closing my eyes.

'One, two, three, four, five, six...'

I open my eyes and watch Micah's phone come into my view and smile.

Please stop counting and kiss me.

I chuckle and pull myself up, kissing her deeply.

I pull back and watch a smile form on her face.

"Morning." I say.

She types.

Morning. I was really tired.

"All the walking wear you out?" I ask.

She types.

Unfortunately, yeah.

I look at the clock and grab her phone, setting a second alarm.

"A little more rest for you then."

I stand up and she grabs my hand and types on her phone.

Where are you going?

"Just downstairs to get coffee at the cart and a couple of muffins. Decaf for you."

She pouts and I lean in to kiss her, "I'll be right back."

She nods and rolls over, closing her eyes.

I grab her key off of her desk and head down and to the coffee cart, ordering and grabbing everything.

I get back up to Micah's room and smile when I see her buried under her covers.

I set her coffee on her desk and then crawl back into bed, pulling her into me and grabbing my phone.

I scroll through social media and realize that I don't have Micah's.

'Need to get that.'

I hear a whine and glance away from my phone to see Micah starting to stir.

I watch as her eyes flutter open and she slams them shut.

I set my coffee on the table with my phone and scoot down until I'm face to face with her.


She signs and I stare at her.

She grabs her phone and types.

Good morning.

I bob my head, "Show me again?"

She signs.

Good morning.

I imitate her and she smiles while nodding.

I kiss her and pull back, sitting up and grabbing her coffee.

She grabs it and smiles, then takes a sip.

She types on her phone.

Thank you for the coffee.

I smile, "No problem, coffee for my girl."

She smiles and nods then types again.

So you have to be at the field at 1.

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