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The old man sat on his rocking chair on the front of his cabin porch. He moved it back and forth, over and over again, with a smile. As he knew that good things were in fact coming, and in fact happening for him.
He had waited for this day for a couple of decades at the very least now. As it was that he knew that the time was in fact now. As he then did in fact just seem to stop moving the rocking chair, at that.
As it was that he just seemed to stare at in to the nice summer woods. As it was in fact blazing hot if he was not going to lie to him self. But that did not matter too much to him what so ever, as he had dealt with it so many other times before.
As it was that he just simply did in fact just seem to close his eyes. As it was that he then did in fact just seem to start to sing. As it was as if it was his own song that he had in fact made up, at that.
As he had not listened to real music in such a long time. He was not familiar with the culture that the kids did in fact know. As it was that he felt as calm as ever as he made up his song.
"The time is soon, a bloody moon, next afternoon will be their room!" He said to him self. As it was that he then did in fact just seem to start to laugh quite a bit of an evil laugh.
As it was that he knew that it was not usually like him what so ever. As he knew that this place that he had lived at for quite a long time now. It had turned him in to some thing that he did in fact not really want to be.
But he was that thing now, so he felt like it should not matter what so ever, at all. As it was that he just seemed to get his mind and his focus off of all of those thoughts. As he then began to start to hear foot steps from right behind him.
He turned his head around with a smile on his face, all at once. As it was that he then did in fact just seem to stare at the front door of his cabin. As he also did in fact just seem to speak to him self out loud, not all too much longer after that was all said and done.
"Oh... The little kiddie's are coming..." He did in fact just seem to say to him self, all at once. As he then once again did in fact just seem to laugh a bit of a maniacal laugh.
As it was that the front door to the cabin did in fact just seem to open, all at once. To a very angry young man, as he seemed to stomp his boots right on over to the old man. As the old man did in fact just seem to be thrown off by it, all at once.
As it was that he just seemed to stare at the young kid with his eyes wide. As it was that the young kid then began to start to yell at the old man. As he did in fact listen as to just what ever it was that the kid had to say to him, never the less.
"Damn it you old hag! What the hell is this place! What the hell have you got us in to!" He did in fact just seem to say to the old man. As it was clear that the kid did in fact not seem to be at all too happy with the old man.
Which the old man felt like he could care less as to just what it was that the kid thought. As it was that he felt like he was only out for him self, all at the exact same time too. As it was that he then did in fact just seem to grin right back at the kid.
The kid clearly did in fact not like the look that the old man was giving him. As it was that the old man then did in fact just seem to also start to speak back to him. As the kid then listened as to just what ever it was that he had to say, all at the exact same time too.
"Me? Oh me? You're the one that came here not believing the stories... Oh the stories are true! Yes, you will suffer little kid, you will suffer!" He did in fact just seem to screech. As it was that it felt like he had the devil in side of him as to what he had said.
He felt like he should in fact feel a little bit bad as to the fact that it was in fact the case. But he just simply did in fact not seem to feel that way what so ever, all at once. As it was that the kid then did in fact just seem to get very angry at the old man all of the sudden.
The kid then did in fact just seem to go up to the old man, all at the exact same time too. As it was that he then did in fact have his fist balled up, as he knocked the old man right in his nose, all at once. As the old man then fell to the ground in pain.
It seemed to make the kid feel a little bit better at the very least. As he seemed to start to begin to speak to the old man, all at once. As the old man listened to him with a bloody nose dripping down his face, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
"You think this is funny huh? We are gonna get out of here, and we are gonna tell the world about you, yeah, you're going down old man!"

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