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It was a bit of a strange night, as this was the first time that I had in fact seen this my self. As I had never got to see this place from the out side looking in. As I could in fact see all of the demonic creatures that were in fact all around me.
They seemed to pay me no sort of mind how ever, at that. As it was almost like they could not sense my soul, like they could for the kids in side. As it was that I heard them whisper to the kids, who were at this point asleep.
Tempting them to do dark and evil things, all at once. As it was that it felt a bit sickening for that to be the case. But I knew that there was nothing that I could do, as it was that I then just did in fact simply speak to my self quietly, all at once.
"It doesn't matter... As long as I get out of this place..." I did in fact just seem to say to my self. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to look at my skin, all at the exact same time too.
As I knew that I had been stuck here for who knows how many years. As it was that I felt a bit sick, and I felt quite a bit afraid. As to the fact that what would happen when I left, as I wondered if I would get my old body back.
Either way, that didn't seem to matter all too much to me now. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to look away from all of this. As I heard the voice of my old friend Henry, as he then did in fact speak to me.
"This isn't right... We shouldn't be doing this to these kids... We were just like them once... Remember?" He did in fact just seem to say to me. As it was that he did in fact have a serious look on his face all of the sudden.
As it was that he had in fact said as to just what he had said to me. As it was that I just seemed to simply stare back at him. As I did in fact have a blank and empty look on my face as I did as such a thing.
As it was that I had in fact continued to just stand there and stare. That was when it was that he also eventually went on ahead. And he then did in fact begin to go and start to shake his head at me.
As it was that I had in fact began to wake my self up. That was when it was that I then did in fact just seem to squint my eyes back at him. As it was that I also began to start to speak right back to him.
"Yeah... I don't really care Henry... They need to learn themselves... As long as I get free... I am fine with that..." I did in fact just seem to say. As I was in fact a bit surpirsed my self by just what it was that I had said.
I knew that it was not normally like me at all. As I knew as to just who the old me did in fact just seem to be. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to dip my head quite a bit low to the ground, all at once.
As it was that Henry did in fact seem to be a fair bit upset. As it was that he then did in fact go right on ahead all of the sudden. And he then did in fact start to speak back to me, all at the exact same time too.
"Yeah... But these are other people... These are kids? Is your life really worth more than all of theirs? You think that I will be free? I will never be free!"

Summer Of The Old Mountain Hunting Grounds (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now