Chapter 5: Screw It

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I looked at Sharise with my eyes wide, all at once. As it was that I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should do. Or just how it was that I should in fact respond to what it was that she was doing.
I just seemed to stand there, as it was that I didn't move a muscle. As she did in fact just seem to come closer and closer to me. As I then began to start to go right on ahead and begin to hear her speak to me.
As she did in fact have quite a bit of a seducing voice. As it was that she had done as such a thing like that. As I then listened as to just what ever it was that she had to say, all at the exact same time as well.
"Do it Harris... Do it... No one will ever know..." She did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that she almost seemed to be talking to her self with what she had said.
As it was that she then all of the sudden came right up on to me. And she then did in fact just seem to start to kiss me on the lips. As, as bad as it was that it did seem to be to me, all at once.
I did in fact not resist what it was that she was doing. As it was that I in fact, did in fact just seem to kiss her back. As I did in fact also just seem to start to speak back to her, just as I began to do as such a thing like that.
She moved back just a little, all at the exact same time too. As she had a bit of an evil little smile on her face. As she listened as to just what it was that I had to say back to her, all at the exact same time as well.
"I... We shouldn't be doing this... I made a promise to Zachary..." I did in fact just seem to say to her. As it was that my eyes were in fact quite a bit wide just as soon as I had said her boy friends name, at that.
As it was that I used it in some hopes that she would come to reality with what she was doing. As I knew that she had in fact seemed to have loved him, as well. As it was that I did my best to try to keep my self calm.
As it was that she then did in fact just seem to roll her eyes at me. As she also began to start to speak right back on over to me as well. As it was that I then began to start to listen as to just what ever it was that she had to say, all at the exact same time too.
"Fuck him... He has always treated me like shit... He is abusive... You don't even know things about him..." She did in fact just seem to say. As it was that she did in fact just seem to have an upset look on her face.
As it was that I then all of the sudden did in fact seem to feel like it was. That I was in fact the hero in this situation, all at once. And that I was in fact saving this girl from her abusive boy friend, all at once.
As it was that I had in fact kind of felt that kind of way, all at once. That was when it was that I then began to start to go right on ahead. And I began to start to get a little bit closer to her, all of the sudden.
As it was that I just seemed to smile right back at her. Not sure what was going on with me my self. As I then did in fact begin to start to speak right back on over to her, as I did as such a thing like that.
"Well... I am sorry about that... I... I mean... I tried to hide it..." I did in fact just seem to say to her. As it was that I had a bit of an evil little grin on my own face, at that.
As it was that she seemed to like as to just what it was that I was doing. As it was that she then did in fact all of the sudden seemed to go on ahead. And she just seemed to hold on to my shoulder, all at once.
She then began to start to speak back to me, all at once. Shortly after she had in fact once again kissed me. As I then did listen as to just what ever it was that she had to say, all at the exact same time too.
"You didn't do a good job of it... You are lucky I... Well... I like you back Harris..." She did in fact just seem to say right on over to me. As it was that I then just semeed to hold on to her and kiss her a bit more.
As it was that we seemed to just do as such a thing like that. That was when I then began to start to go right on ahead all of the sudden. Once again kind of feeling bad as to just what it was that I was doing.
As it was that I then just seemed to once again speak back to her. As it was that I saw that she was in fact staring back at me with her eyes wide. As she then did listen as to just what ever it was that I had to say to her, all at the exact same time as well.
"I... I don't think this is the right time and place for this..." I did in fact just seem to say to her. As I still did in fact feel wrong about all of this. As much as it was that it felt like it was hard to fight these temptations.
I knew I was telling her that I still wanted to do this how ever. As I kind of put out another bit of an evil smirk on my face, at that. As I then began to start to see her start to move me back behind a tree, at that.
As it was that she then just seemed to start to speak quietly to me. Almost as if she was worried the entire world could in fact hear it. As I then did in fact just seem to start to listen as to just what it was that she had to say to me, once again, at that.
"Why not? When is the time? We are going to die out here any ways!" She did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I saw that she had a bit of a lustful and desperate look in her face.
As it was that I at that moment then all of the sudden gave up on fighting. As it was that I kind of agreed with what it was that she had just said. As it was that I then just seemed to put my hands up in the air.
As it was that I then began to start to go right on ahead and speak back to her, all at once. As it was that I saw that she had the same smile as before. As she just listened as to what it was that I had to say to her, all at the exact same time as well.
"Alright... Let's do this then..." I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I then just seemed to start to continue to go right on ahead. And I just seemed to start to put my hands right on her breasts, as soon as it was that I had said what I had said.
She immediately seemed to moan, as I did as such a thing like that. As it was that I then just seemed to smile as she had done as such a thing, as well. As it was that I knew that Marion never seemed to be like that when we got intimate.
I also knew that Marion didn't have nearly quite as nice breasts as Sharise did. As it was that it just seemed to make me grow even more and more, all at once. As I felt like I was in fact the most lucky guy in the world for what was going on.
Sharise then all of the sudden began to start to take her shirt off, all at once, all of the sudden. As it was that she was in fact covered in sweat right now, all at the exact same time too. But that didn't seem to bother me what so ever, as I just spoke to my self a bit under my breathe, at that.
"Jesus... You are so hot..." I did in fact judt seem to say. As it was that I saw that she had a big smile on her face, just as soon as it was that I had said what I had said.
As it was that I then just seemed to start to go right on ahead, all at once. And I put my mouth right in to her nipples, all at the exact same time too. As it was that she then did in fact just seem to moan even louder.
As I felt like every thing in the forest could hear us just now. But that didn't seem to matter to me what so ever, all at the exact same time too. As it was that the only thing that mattered to me at this point, was for us to keep on going.
As it was that I then did in fact just seem to start to stop with what it was that I was doing. As it was that I then began to start to hear the voice of Sharise. As she then began to speak right back to me.
"It's my turn to make you feel good..." She did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to have my eyes grow wide.
As it was that I was in fact quite a bit confused as to just what it was that she had meant. As it was that I tilted my head a little bit at first. As in the end, I then began to start to also go right on ahead.
And I then began to simply start to speak right back to her. As it was that my eyes were wide as I did as such a thing like that. As I knew she was still listening as to just what it was that I had to say to her, all at the exact same time as well.
"Wha- what do you mean?" I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I felt even more excited than ever, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I was not sure what she had meant, but it sure did sound good.
As it was that she then did in fact just seem to go right on ahead. And she did in fact just seem to kiss me, just as she had done before. As she then began to also go right on ahead and start to speak back on over to me.
As it was that I had in fact began to have done as such a thing like that, all at once. That was when it was that I just seemed to continue to stare at her. As I did in fact just listen as to what ever it was that she had to say, all at the exact same time too.
"Oh... You're about to see... Zachary is never grateful when I do this..." She did in fact just seem to say. As she brought up the name of my friend once again, as she had said what it was that she had just said.
How ever, at this point, I felt like it didn't bother me what so ever. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to go right on ahead. And I then began to just start to see her get low to the ground, all at once.
As it was that she then began to start to do as such a thing like that. That was when she then began to start to go right on ahead. And I began to start to realize as to just what it was that she was in fact doing.
As it was that I had in fact realized as to the fact that it was the case. I just then did in fact just seem to start to speak to her, at that. As it was that I knew she was listening as to what it was that I had to say to her, just as it was that I had done before.
"Oh... I hope that you are better at this than Marion is..." I did in fact just seem to say to her. As it was that I did in fact just seem to bring up her best friend, all at once.
How ever, that did in fact not seem to bother her what so ever. As it was that she then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead. And she then began to look up at me, as it was that she just seemed to just about to pull down my pants.
As it was that she had looked up at me as well. She also began to start to speak back to me, all at the exact same time too. As I then did in fact just seem to go and listen as to what it was that she had to say, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
"Oh... Honey... You don't need to worry about that... I am about to give you the best head ever..." She did in fact just seem to say to me. As it was that I did in fact just seem to smile right back at her all at once.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to lift my head up to the sky as well, all of the sudden. As it was that I did in fact just seem to stare up there for a bit of some time. Before it was that I then did in fact also just seem to start to speak out loud, all at once.
"Dear God... Here we go..." I did in fact just seem to say. Just as soon as it was that she had taken off my zipper, and she had pulled down every thing, all at once.
As it was that I then all of the sudden heard a loud gasp of shock. Which did in fact just seem to make me turn my head a little bit low. As I did in fact just seem to get a little bit worried as to just what it was that was going on, all at once, at that.
I looked at her, as she just seemed to hold my dick in her hands. As her eyes were in fact wider than they had ever been before. As it was that she then did in fact just seem to start to speak right back to me.
As it was that she had in fact just seemed to have done as such a thing like that. I just seemed to realize as to what was going on. As I then listened as to just what ever it was that she had to say to me, all at the exact same time as well.
"Holy! Wow! You are so much bigger than Zachary!" She did in fact just seem to say, all at once, at that. As it was that she then did in fact just seem to lick the sides of my shaft.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to groan a little bit my self, all at once, all of the sudden. As it was that it just felt so good to me, all at once. As it was that it also seemed to come up to me a bit of some things that did in fact make sense, at that.
I knew that me and Alexander were always comparing our dicks in our group chat. Whilst Zachary always refused to join in. As he always tried to say that it was in fact gay, all at the exact same time too.
I kind of just seemed to smirk, all at the exact same time as well. As it was that I also just seemed to start to continue to just close my eyes. As I did in fact also just seem to start to speak out loud, as soon as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that.
"Yes... This is perfect..." I did in fact just seem to say to my self. As it was that it did in fact just seem to be to me. That all of my wildest dreams, and all of my fantasies were in fact coming true just now, at that.
As it was that I then did in fact just seem to go right on ahead. And I then began to start to feel her start to put the whole thing in her mouth. As I almost felt like I wanted to fall to the ground with how good it did in fact just seem to feel to me.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to go right on ahead. And I then began to start to hear her speak back to me, all at once. Just as soon as it was that I did in fact just seem to feel her pull her mouth off of it.
As it was that she did in fact just seem to do as such a thing like that. I did in fact just seem to open my eyes and look right at her. As it was that I did in fact listen as to just what ever it was that she had to say, all at the exact same time as well.
"Wow... I can't... I can't even get the whole thing down... Hold on... Let me try again..." She did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that I did in fact just seem to stare at her with my eyes wide, at that.
As I didn't seem to say a single word to her, all at once, all of the sudden. As I did in fact just seem to watch, as it was that she did in fact seem to go on ahead and suddenly put it in her mouth like before. As it was that I watched as she began to start to put it all the way down, as well.
As it was that I heard her begin to gag, just as she got all the way down. As it was that I was in such complete shock as to just what it was that she had in fact done. As I just seemed to groan very loud, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
"Holy Shit! Holy shit!" I did in fact just seem to say to her. As it was that I knew that Marion could barely get past the tip of mine. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to watch as Sharise just quickly went back and forth across it, at that.
As it was that she continued to do as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I just seemed to start to continue to go right on ahead. And I began to just start hear a loud voice, all at once.
As it was that I realized that it was in fact Alexander just seeming to speak from quite a bit of a ways away, all at the exact same time too. As my eyes did in fact just seem to grow wide. As I did listen as to just what ever it was that he had to say, all at the exact same time as well.
"Harris?! Sharise?! Where are you? You better not be messing around!" He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I could in fact just seem to hear some panic in the voice of my friend.
As it was clear to me that he was in fact scared for the both of us. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to start to come to that reality. As it was that I once again turned my head right down on over to Sharise.
She just seemed to keep on going, as if she had not heard what he had just yelled. As it was that I kind of wanted to do the exact same thing. How ever, I felt like I could in fact not do as such a thing like that.
As I then began to start to all of the sudden go right on ahead. And I began to start to speak right back on over to Sharise. As I made sure that she could in fact hear as to just what it was that I needed to say, all at the exact same time too.
"Sharise! We gotta stop! We're going to get caught!" I did in fact just seem to say to her, all at once. As it was that I saw that she did in fact just seem to stop for at least a second or 2, all at the exact same time as well.
As she had the same smile that it was that she had on her face earlier. As it was that I just seemed to stare back at her lost. As I then began to start to also hear her go on ahead and begin to speak on over to me.
As it was that I began to realize that it was the case. I blinked my eyes a few times at first, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I then did in fact just begin to listen as to just what ever it was that she had to say, all at the exact same time as well.
"Doesn't that make it more exciting? Who cares? This doesn't matter any more!" She said, as it was that she then went right on ahead. And she just seemed to stare back up at me, as she did just what it was that she was doing before.
I felt like I was going to say some thing about what she had just said to me at first. That was until it was that I just then began to start to see her cross her eyes. As that was exactly what it was that seemed to turn me on even more, all of the sudden.
I just then did in fact just seem to once again grunt to my self. As it was that I then began to start to speak to my self all at once. As it was that I felt like I could in fact care less about any thing else at this point.
"You know what... We're going to die I suppose... So screw it..."

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