[part One] new friend

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Wubbox sat on the outskirts of the island, by the edge where the face on the island was. He was quiet, no other monsters was by him.
"Hey, you alright?" He heard a voice behind him. He turned his head to see Humbug standing a bit behind him.
Wubbox sighed. "No. I just-" he stopped for a second. "I just feel left out. The other Wubbox don't involve me in anything they and other monsters do, other than singing. Even that isn't fun anymore! And whats really bad, im with Earth today!"
Humbug looked a bit shocked.
"Really? But he's always been nice to you!"

"Only when we're around other monsters. When its just us and the other Wubboxs, they ignore me all the time no matter what i do! Not ignore me as in pretending I'm not there, but ignore me as in when i say something they stop, look at me, and go back to what they were saying! And worst of it, Earth always makes fun of me! The others don't but they don't stop him when he does! And they like Rare more than me! And he cant even speak words, only music! Its not fair and i just wanna be respected like everyone else!" He responded, trying not to yell. He was angered and Humbug seemed stunned like a mosquito in a trap.
"Oh. I had no idea." Humbug looked over to his friends, then back at Wubbox. "How about you come with us, and we can hang out together!"
Wubbox looked a bit less angry, and seemed a little confused.
"Really? You'd let me?"

"Yeah! Im positive they will not mind another coming with us."

"Oh. Alright, that would be nice!"
Humbug gestured with his hand to Wubbox as he began to walk away. Wubbox stood up, and began to follow him closely. He was walking to a group that had Pom Pom, Hoola, Tweedle and Quarrister. Once they got over, Humbug sat down.
"Hey guys! is it alright if Wubbox hangs out with us?"

"Sure!" Pom pom and Hoola said at the same time.
Quarrister agreed. Tweedle nodded as well. Wubbox then took a seat on the ground.
"So did you guys hear what happened at cold island?" Pom pom asked the group.
"What?" Tweedle asked, looking exited.

"I heard that Bowgart's instrument broke in the middle of the performance, and he had to sit out the rest of the time!"
The group laughed.
"And, i heard that on plant island, Clamble dropped their cymbal during performance!" Hoola said.
The group laughed again. It was nice to have a few monsters to be around, that wouldn't constantly ignore him. The group continued talking, but Wubbox kept looked back at Earth-Wubbox, who talked with some of his friends.
"Hey Wubbox, do you have any funny stories?" He heard Pom Pom ask.
Wubbox looked back at thought for a second.
"Oh, not really. In do remember being with Galvana and learning a few things, but nothing anything funny."

"I thought you'd robos would. But, that's alright!" Pom pom said.

"Wubbox, lets go!" A loud voice called. Earth-Wubbox stood at the end of the island. Wubbox looked in fear.
"Uh, im good!"

"But we have to go see mom!" Earth said.

"It'll go another time, its ok!"

"But she said all of us. Even you." Earth sounded irritated, but did not raise his voice or yell.

"I'm sure its ok! Really!" Wubbox seemed visibly scared.

"I'll come over there and drag you there. So you can get up right now and go without a fuss."
Wubbox was scared, he didn't want to leave his new friends but he also didn't want to get hurt by Earth. He stood up, waved by to his friends and hesitantly walked to Earth-Wubbox.
They walked onto the bridge of clouds, and began to walk up. Rare Wubbox was walking behind both of them. The bridge of clouds connected the islands, and could hold any monster no matter size or weight.
Just before they got to the highest island, Earth stopped and shoved Wubbox down.
"What the fuck was that!" He yelled.

"Im sorry!" He cried back.

"No, if you were sorry, you wouldn't have done that!"

"Im sorry!"

"Shut up!" Earth yelled, turning to leave and immediately walked onto the island. Rare stood back, shocked at what had happened. Wubbox tried to sit up, shuddering. Rare then moved around him, and into the building.

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