[Chapte 15.8] greif and Anguish

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Death was an interesting concept. Where would go you when you died? Would you be reborn? Would you sit in eternal darkness until the end of time? It was horrifying to think of, but he was patient.
For now, darkness was where he sat. He couldn't feel anything, the black of the endless void and abyss of death seemed to pull everything out of him. His thoughts were like an ocean, and if he thought to much, he would drown. To keep busy, he would have conversations with himelf, walk in a circle, try and recall songs he remembered, and seeing if he was actually asleep by laying down and try to wake up once more. But, nothing ever made him feel whole again.
He didn't know how long he had been there. His built in time system didn't function in death. Obviously.
For now, he sat on the cold ground of darkness, curled up like a ball. Drowning in his thoughts as usual. Galvana. That bitch. What had gone through her mind to rationalize killing his children and other innocent monsters. They did nothing. He should have been the only one to die, he was the one that gave her the most struggle. He dragged down every idea she had, yet, her ideas to make new wubbox were unable to be taken down. Why did he want them gone? They didn't choose to be born, but they accepted it. They all did. Not him. He regretted being born, but he couldn't bring himself to be terminated. It was as easy as cracking his core, and he would be dead forever. Strangely, in the abyss of death, his core was not there. Go figure. He thought it would be, as it was something that gave him life.
But, he couldn't see that his actions would lead to this. Who could. He wondered if rare, and the other epics were still alive. Likely not, the epics were struck and boxed up. But, Rare was still not seen. He seemed to just have disappeared. If he were to ever come back alive and see Rare, he would interrogate him.
As he closed his eyes and his mind seemed to scatter, he heard small tapping. He couldn't bring himself to look.
"Father?" An electronic voice called through the darkness. It seemed so close. He opened his eyes and sat up. Blipsqueak walked through the darkness, fading into sight like the darkness was a thick fog.
"Oh stars.." he said with a shaky voice. He couldn't believe he was really there. It had to be hallucination. Just like before. He'd poof into dust just like before. But this one had eyes, could talk and seemed to have emotion. He had to be real.
As Blipsqueak got closer, Wubbox seemed to get less stable, and more broken. He looked at the ground frantically, as if trying to prove it wasn't real. Blipsqueak stopped a step away from him, watching him. He was truly darkened with tragedy.
He quickly moved forward and pulled Blipsqueak into a hug.
"Oh stars i thought i'd never see anything again! How did you get here? ...you're dead... im sorry." His mind spat quickly. His mind raced with a million thoughts a second.
Blipsqueak hugged him back with a tinge of confusion and awkwardness. Wubbox felt tears began to grow warm.
"Im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry!" He cried with anguish. He held him close as he felt the only thing he wished to feel since entering the darkness of death. Grief. Blipsqueak felt confused. Had his father always felt this away about him? How had they judged him as a horrible monster before, when all he wanted was them.
"I don't wanna lose you or anyone again. Please don't leave. Ever." He cried.

"I wont." Blipsqueak said back. It felt odd to be with him, he never hugged him, or ever got this emotional around them. But, another question, how had they been in the same dark abyss of death? Maybe, all machines were sent to this place, and those in families would be sent to the same abyss. They did have similar hardware, so maybe thats how their trapped souls were sent to the same place. They didn't know, but it didn't matter.
"Are your siblings here?" Wubbox asked, letting go of him.

"I don't think so. I haven't seen them since before this place"

"Well, at least I'm not alone anymore."


Sorry to end it so suddenly ^^

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