[Part Five] Teachings

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So this takes place when Wubbox has left. Just some context.


"Alright. Before we start, do any of you know all the islands from last time?" Galvana asked.
"Before I answer, may i ask when we'll need to use this in our real life?" Air said raising his arm but speaking before she could call on him.
"Good question. When you grow up and leave, you'll need to know about how the other islands work so that you may keep track of when something happens in relation to others on other islands."
Air and the others looked confused at Galvana, she might of well had just told them how to do calculus.
"You'll need to use it if you have friends on other islands, because you may be doing other things at the same time."

"Oh. Alright." Air replied back.
Galvana waited for one to raise their arm to be called on, but no one did.
"So you all know what a calendar is, and to monsters, it's very important. on certain days of the week, one or two islands will sing to keep the planet's energy alive. Like us for example, sing at the very end of the month. And the plant island sings every Monday, and Earth island every Friday."

"Why do we need to keep the energy up? It doesn't seem that important." Plant asked.

"Well, in the past, the island Fire Oasis got a bad sickness the spread to all the monsters. It got so bad, they could not sing when the where supposed to. Because of that, the island began to sink down and loose the energy to be an island. Luckily, Attmoz and Hornacle were able to get replacements to Fire Oasis before it could collapse."

"That sounds crazy." Cold said a bit shocked. "Could that happen to any island?"

"Indeed it could, unlike the core four island. And you know which ones." She refereed to their island, Magical Sanctum, Ethereal Island and Mythical island. Which was the Core Four they refereed to. those islands that if even one fell the whole world would collapse.
Of corse, that was a theory because nobody knew what would happen without the core four. They didn't have an incident that proved it could be the outcome but thats what everyone believed.
"Anyways, thats all you guys needed to learn today!" Galvana said.

"Wait mom, why wasn't Wubbox taught this?" Water asked.

"Well the only island he can go it is Plant island at the moment. Once Rare goes as well, Wubbox may be able to change islands."

"How do we know he won't just leave?"

"I informed plant island of his arrival, and to keep him there until Rare Comes. Rare will be going any time now, they aren't too far apart in age."
Water nodded in understanding. Seemed pretty logical.
"Anyways thats it, you can do whatever until its dark." The Wubbox all stood up and ran off, leaving to do their own thing. Who knew the writer just did this to keep the readers interested and explain their world more. Never would have thought of it.
Air rolled to the outside of the building. He was third in line to leave, and decided that maybe he should try and fly before leaving too. Earth and Plant had followed him as well, not having anything to do now they were out.
"Alright, I'm gonna try and fly!" Air said with overconfidence. The mechanical gears of his wings creaked open, and the end of the wing split to three. Earth and Plant stood back excitedly, anticipation began to rise. Air seemed small compared to his wings now, as if they grew without him.
He moved the wing gears and began to slightly lift from the ground, then with one sharp swipe he dove into the air, his wings seemed to automatically fly for him. Plant and Earth cheered from below encouragingly. After a few moments, Air began to slowly glide back down and once he did, the wings closed back up.
"That was cool!" Earth said. "You should try and fly around instead of jus in one spot."

"Yeah!" Plant said.

"Alright, maybe i will!" Air said. Letting his wings back out and preparing for take off once more.

Yes this chapter is a bit unnecessary, but the next one may be interesting. Its 22:00 right now and im tired. -o-

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