[Chapter Twelve] making

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"Galvana what in the stars was that?" Scaratar scolded. "You shouldn't judge them just because of who they like."

"Its not natural, and all of the same-lovers are delusional. I shouldn't be forced to be around those kind of monsters."

"So, if i were to become a boy, that wouldn't be alright?"

"Gender is a completely different conversation. If you don't want to be a girl, but you want to be a boy, that's completely fine."

"Explain to me why same-lovers are wrong, yet identifying as another gender is acceptable."

"Same-lovers believe in false information, and want to make the kids believe its acceptable. The gods made girls and boys for a reason. Without one, the world will end. Without making new monsters, the gods would have made no progress and forced to start at scratch all over again. But, if you think your a boy stuck inside of a girl, you should be free to do that, but dating the same gender as yourself is not right."

"So its not ok to date your own gender, but as soon as you change your gender, you can date that gender you were before?"

Scaratar groaned and looked away. This argument was already giving her a headache.
"Galvana, you are not making sense! You know what, im just going to not talk to you until you change your ways." Scaratar growled, turning and walking out of the building to where the group sat.
Galvana rolled her eyes. Why was Scaratar being so stupid? It was obvious, and her points dod make sense, she was just to blind to see it. She must be a fruit like the rest.
Vhamp walked over to her.

"You believe me, don't you?" Galvana asked before he could speak.

"No, thats the problem. Your acting completely weird! Your never hating people for what they like. Your reasons don't make sense, and you really need to see that."

"I do make sense! It's just everyone else who is to blind to see."

"Maybe, and you can still believe that Gal, but maybe don't force it on others and make them see the way you do. No one will ever truly agree on something."

"Screw off! Do you even know how much i do? I've been around since the dawn of time, Vhamp! I know more, and i will always be right in my beliefs! You'll never be half my weight in gold!"
Vhamp grave her a sour grimace, disgusted at the fact that even after being told off by her love, she would still act like an arrogant and narcissistic fool. Strangely, he couldn't bring himself to walk away from her.
"Please don't act like that." Vhamp said with fragile confidence.

"Your a pet, Vhamp! Always feeding into what others tell you and listen to them like a dried up creature! Your always follow them and think you're in control! Your not! Your just a sad excuse of a creature!"

"Im not a creature." He tried to not cry.

"You are!" She yelled as fury began to pour out. "You don't ever consider your own opinions, or mine! You'd jump off and island and die if i told you to, wouldn't you!"

"Galvana!" Glaishur yelled at her. He had forced the door open, and looked as angry as the sun. "That is no way to speak to anyone! Talk to him like a monster, not less than dirt!" Vhamp turned around and quickly dashed to go behind him.
"Your one to talk! You always speak like no one matters! Do you know how many times you've spilled secrets and spoke poorly of someone? Vhamp, im sure you've spoken about."
Glaishur didn't reply to her, he couldn't deny it. He then stepped back and slammed the door.


"I locked myself in the room for stars know how long." She said.
I was shocked. Never had i heard of such bigotry from her. She always struck me as a kind and accepting monster. Was that story real? It couldn't be!
"Im shocked." I said back to her in disbelief.

"It's a bad story, i know."

"Did you ether apologize?"

"Oh stars no! I could never bring myself to speak of the horrible time."

"Well, better late than nether."

"I guess, but they won't forgive me like that. They treat me fine now, yes, but they could just do it to get our conversation over with."

"Dith you not see how Scarater spoke with you when i firth came here? She spoke to you like she genuinely carth abouth you. You can't seriously believe they wouldn't forgive you."

"They won't and im sure of it. I've had every chance to apologize and i never did. What would ever change their minds?"

"An apologhy." I said. She then got silent, looking back out the window at the dark outside. Like dad was, afraid to confront his mistakes. And i know in this situation, someone won't be willing to forgive. But she had to try.

Im not writing the apology scene because its 23:51 here, and i wanna get the story along. Maybe i'll add it layer. Night night.

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