[Part Four] I remember..

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And another note. I think that Galvana created the epic Wubbox for their respective island, and like an 18yo leaving to be an adult, they leave to stay on their island forever. Unless they meet up for a special occasion.


Wubbox dashed quickly around, Chasing his brother—Rare. They were engaged in a game of tag, and Wubbox had been the Tagger long enough.
Wubbox then extended his arm, the coil Springing as it reached out, and tagged Rare on his back.
"Hey, no fair! Thats cheating!" Rare said, quickly turing to get back.

"What? You always do it, why cant i!"
Wubbox quickly forced himself to stop, and began his charge back to the building.

"Im younger!"

"Thats not a good excuse!"
Wubbox then turned around, and began to run circles around the island, but keeping his distance from the building—as their mother instructed.
"Hey, boys!" They heard a voice call. Soon he felt an arm grab his arm, and after a few seconds to regaining his balance, he looked up to see Galvana standing with her staff in her hand.
Rare stopped his pursuit as well, and walked over to them.
"I think you guys have had enough running around. And i have a new creation you two can meet with tomorrow."
They knew what creation meant. Rare looked exited, his eyes seemed to ask for him.
"Tomorrow." She said. Rare looked defeated and sighed.
Wubbox was confused. another one? It seemed strange she wanted to make another, because the ones she has was all she needed. Right? Was she replacing them with different ones?
Rare then walked off to the side of the building and took a seat. Wubbox didn't want to sit though, he still felt energy ache in his limbs. He wanted to keep playing.
He walked over to him, but didn't sit down. He leaned on the wall, his mood of glee was immediately replaced with disappointment. He tried to understand why. But there was no why. What other explanation could their be besides her trying to replace them?
"Do you think she's planning something?" Wubbox asked, feeling the words rake his throat.

"..What kind of question is that?" Rare looked at him with shock and concern.

"I don't know, just..." he stopped, trying to form words that would make sense.

"If she's planning anything, is not bad. She and the others just want to balance the islands. What bad stuff would you think she'd plan?"
Wubbox stopped. He thought about it, realizing how absurd his reaction was just because she made something.
"I guess you right, i don't know. I think I'm just overreacting."

"Yeah! You sounded like a con..spear-a -sis."
Wubbox looked off the island, three other islands were close to them yet far at the same time. Currently, few monsters ever visited them. Maybe new monsters in the future would use the islands to make beautiful music like they heard before. But one that seemed to always be there was a blue creature with horns that pointed up. They looked sweet and kind, strangely their long, free tail was made up of many spheres. They hadn't visited that island before, but they never did leave the island at all.
Wubbox looked to his brother, who seemed to be zoned out, watching the clouds dance around the sky with glee. It was a nice day, the air that blew by seemed to blow a soft tune as it did. Wubbox just couldn't shake the feeling. Was this jealousy? He doesn't even know who this "new creation" is! Why is he acting so irrational?


Wubbox leaned with his arms crossed agents the corner of the wall with a glare in his eyes. The hastily made, yellow walled, messy and disorganized room made him less keen to act normal.
"Why do we have to watch him?" Wubbox growled, looking to Rare with a hateful look."Mom doesn't even have anything to do during the day, why can't she watch him!"
He hated Air. Since the moment he was made, he took all the attention away and made everything about him. Why couldn't Galvana just keep it at him and Rare? They were all she would need out of life.
Rare looked over to him, glaring at him with annoyance. Since he lost his voice, the annoyed glare seemed to be more than family. Wubbox rolled his eyes, turning away to look at the room again.
The walls were a light yellow with dots, decorated with a few posters. There was no windows yet, though Attmoz said he was going to install some soon, but would need to plan it out. Papers with drawings, cars, and other materials littered the ground, daring any to step, and those who did would get the gift of falling face first.
Rare closed the book he had been reading—about monsters—and placed it back into the book shelf.
He caught Air just as he had jumped from the chair, carefully placing him back onto the ground, then bopping him on the head.
"Sorry." Air apologized. They had to leave at some time, but it was usually hard to tell time in the window-less room. Rare took Air by the hand, opening the door and walking down the building. Wubbox followed behind them, down the hallway where the exiting door wasn't too far down. Air turned around, and waited to walk with his older brother. Wubbox seemed repulsed that he wanted to be near him.
"Where we going?" He asked cheerfully. Wubbox forced himself to look away, keeping his eyes on the floor and wall as they walked down. Tried to hold his hand, but with a quick motion, threw Air forwards, colliding with the ground with a smack and the sound of something breaking. He looked at him, seeing the fracture upon his eye, and his struggle to get up. The fracture was clean, so clean, it didn't bleed, just leaving a Y shaped crack to the middle. Wubbox couldn't believe it, he turned back around and walked away quickly. He couldn't face what he had just done. He didn't mean to. It was an accident. He walking to the office, to the corner opposite of where Galvana was, who was writing while also talking to Rare about what she was doing. Air walked in a few moments after him, stumbling a bit and looking at his arm with some sort of confusion.
"Oh my goodness! What happened to your eye?" Galvana asked with worry.
Wubbox felt sudden fear hit him. He knew what he did and he now feared what punishment he might get. Air looked at her blankly for a moment before speaking.
"I tripped and fell, now my eye is working weirdly." The fear was shot down with relief as he heard Air speak again, not mentioning what happened.
"Here, let me look at it." She said. Air walked up to her, and she got down and inspected his face. He saw Rare, glaring at him with the most anger and hate he had ever seen. He knew exactly what happened, but he wouldn't speak up. Not like he could speak. He looked away, trying not to look at them. He couldn't handle that kind of fear all of a sudden.

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