[Part Eleven] visiting Grandparents.

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(God i hope this goes well)

*Thwok's pov*

"Sorry we didn't get to talk this over a lot, mom. But, i think it would be nice for Thwok to meet his grandparents." Wubbox said a bit nervous. I stood behind him just a step away from on the island.

"Oh of course!" Galvana replied. "He'll have a grand time." I walked forward, feeling akward standing by someone who i've heard about, but never actually met. Galvana and Wubbox waved goodbye, and Wubbox left to go back home. I felt nervous, like a pit was in my stomach.
"How about we go to my place so we can set your things down." Galvana said, guiding me forward with her hand. We walked off to a big building, and I noticed that it looked similar to Wubbox's building, but the one ahead didn't have a door, and it had more rooms sticking off the sides.
"Who's the other monsters here?" I asked, looking at the other few monsters that were on the island. They were of all shapes and sizes, and i could see some resemblance of a few elements in them. Like a starfish monster, and a rock monster.
"Well, theres Attmoz, Hornacle, Furnoss, Plixie, Blasoom, and Syncopite." As she said their names she pointed to them. "Theres other inside the building though." Then, once we entered the building and into Galvana's room, i recognized it as looking similar to Wubbox's office. The room here was larger, and a few bookshelves and other utilities were around the room.
Then, i noticed a strange creature with green arms at the table reading a book. They looked up as soon as they heard the door open.
"Who's that?" I asked quietly.

"That is Scaratar." She said nicely, and Scaratar waved to me.

"I didn't know that little guy is going to be here, but, we really need to discuss about a situation among the..."
For some reason, my mind just couldn't focus on their conversation, even though it sounded really interesting. I looked around the room as the sound of their conversation was drowned out by my thoughts. I made small notes about everything i saw.
A red metal cabinet, a big grey tub, a bright fluorescent light, a book shelf, a small green tub. Fluorescent. I remember reading about that in my book. Wasn't that book about buildings? What did that word have to do with it?
I got carried away in my thoughts, but i was brought back to my senses when i heard my name was called.
"Thwok, do you mind having a seat over there? I'll have to work on something important right now."
Galvana asked. I nodded, and walked over to a small chair that sat strangely by nothing, not even a counter.
I sat down and took out my building book. When i was first dragged into Wubbox's office, i walked over to a small bookshelf i saw, and looked at the books. There was many, and one book in architecture seemed to peak my interest. The book had a blue cover, with a picture of a weird building on it. I remember seeing it on the islands before, where some of the monsters slept, but other monsters did sleep in cabins or hurts, but that was less common. I flipped to the Table of Contents, and looked for the chapter on ancient buildings, it wasn't very hard, and i flipped to chapter twelve. I flipped a few pages, and found the small structure i was looking for. The Observatory.
It had a strong brick base with a wooden door and one large window. Then, an opening in the shape of a moon led to the second floor, where nearby, two platforms sat on a metal gear's arms. Galvana's signature symbol had shown up on the third floor's ceiling, where the large purple stone sat in the visor that let them look at the sky. The Observatory was one of three buildings that had little history as to why it was made. But, maybe i could ask Galvana if she knew why. I looked over to them, and they still were talking about whatever was important.
"So, should i send them a letter for evacuation?"

"Yes, but again, we don't know when it will it, so tell them to practice evacuation protocols so they can leave quickly without harm."

"Right. I'll get working on the letters as soon as i can. But remind me about it tomorrow, i always forget to do something."

"Of course. I'll see you as soon as we get more information on it."
Scaratar bowed to her, then turned and left the room. Once the door closed, Galvana turned to me.
"I'm sorry about that Thwok. What are you reading?"

"Book aboth architecture."

"Oh, that's very interesting! Are you planning to be an architect with mammot and tweedle?" She was referring to mammot from plant island, who was known to be the first monster to create the stick castle, and tweedle, the monster from cold island who helped him build one on cold island, and the others.
"Maybe noth, that takes a woth of thime."

"It does, but it's not completely impossible."

"Westion, what can you at the observatory?"

"Oh, well, you can do a lot of things. Usually, we use it to look at the stars for signs, or if there's something potentially dangerous in the sky coming close, we observe it."

"Makes sense. But why? What happened to make you guys want tho make that?"

"Does your book not say?" I quickly look down and skimmed the history part, but it did only said 'the reason for making is unknown.'

"No. Ith says ith reason ith unkown."

"Well, that is quite odd. But, we built it because of an innident where we couldn't see a metor until it was too late, and thank the stars we didn't get hit. We decided that it could be safe to built a structure to see the sky better."

"Thaths intheresting. Couth we go see it?"

"Sure, but later at night, so you can see the stars!" I nodded. I thought about the stars. On Wublin island, we could barely see any stars because of the islands above them blocking the bright ones.


Climbing up the latter, onto a metal place and beginning to walk into the next story of The Observatory. There was no light in the room, but it wasn't to difficult to see as one star peered down brightly.
I turned around and saw Syncopite outside in the darkness, sleeping, and his green gem lightly glowing.
"Doths he sleep out here?" I asked.

"Most of the time, but he always has the option to sleep inside." Galvana replied.
Then, we walked into the room. Immediately, i saw the large metal scope near the end. I walked up to it quickly, then Galvana took my shoulder.
"I know your exited, but be careful." She looked out the window nearby it. After a few moments, she let me look through, and i saw a large band of stars, and she could outline the shape of a water droplet.
As I looked out in awe at all the stars the littered the sky like splotches, one star in the sky began to glow brighter. Then, as quickly as it brightened, it shot down from the sky and fell below the clouds before diving down from veiw. Galvana looked out the window, staring at where it had disappeared.
"What was that?" I asked, looking away from the scope.

"It could have been many things. But, likely just a little meteor."

"Dath was cool! Does it mean anything significant?"

"Probably not." She backed out of the window, and looked at me. "Why don't you tell me about your siblings? Your father didn't tell me much about them before he left."
About my siblings. What i think of my siblings. She just had ask me that question.
"Well, they are more kind and considerate than me, with a tendency to explore."

"Well, you are kind too."

"Noth really. Hath you seem wath im like with otherth? Well, i geth not. But, i acth dithrent around dithrent monsters."

"I know you good deep down, you just need someone to bring that out. You'll find the right person one day. Lets go back to the building."

"Galvana, hath you ether dated anyone?" I asked as we began to walk away.
"Yes, i have, and we're still together actually. His name is Vhamp, you'll see him in the morning. We began dating at a time i am ashamed of."

"Athamed? You?"

I was shocked. She was always so calm and confident, i would have had no idea she was ashamed of anything.
"Wath did you do?"


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