[Part 8.5] onlooker

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(This is about the Wubblins visiting islands. And yes, im adding this After writing Chapter Eight.)

Pixolotl and Scargo had gone up too the second level from the top, where the "main element" island were. Poewk before had made a game where they would be sorted into elements and have to play like the islands were in a battle. Poewk was the only one that seemed to know about the elements, likely from spending a lot of time with Wubbox. They were both sorted as water elements, and finding the water island was not hard. It was easily seen with its flourishing coral and the island wearing a pair of water glasses. They climbed the clouds up high, and eventually arrived at the watery island. The monsters were not doing much, they sat around and talked, playing games, did other activities or maybe in the green buildings doing other things. It seemed like a nice cozy place to sleep.
They stepped forward and admired the island. While doing so, a few monsters had noticed them. Then, a green flower bird walked over to them.
"Hi! Uh, what are you two doing here?"

"We came to explore! This is a 'water island' right?" Scargo asked in his crackly voice.

"Yup! But, you two don't look like any monsters i've seen before."

"Yeah.. uh... we're new! Just came here!"

"Oh! So you two have the water element?"

"No, but other monsters say we look like water elements, and we decided to come over!"

"Thats great! Why don't I introduce you all! Im dandidoo, or just dandi." The two smiled as dandidoo turned around and began to walk off, the other monsters were quite as they approached.
"Ok, they are not evil or anything. This is..."

"Scargo and Pixololt."

The monsters spoke quietly among themselves for a second before going back to normal talking.
"You can hang out with me and my friends!" They said, before walking to a group. The two followed and sat with the group. The group consisted of dandidoo, an oak tree, a frog similar to Brump, a light green dog with wooden carvings from it's back and a large submarine robot that looked similar to Wubbox. Electricity holding small bits together and a light core in it's chest, with arms that could extend out.
"Probably met a Fwog and Oaktopus before, we also have Reedling and Water. He's a bit tall, but he's not any harm."

"What island are you from?" The oaktopus asked.

"I... dont know it's name." Scargo said nervously. They knew they couldn't tell them where they were really from.
"You don't know what island your from?" Fwog asked confused.


"Could you maybe describe it?"
Scargo looked worryingly at Pixolotl, who looked as nervous as him. Pixolotl shrugged.
"It was kinda blue." He replied hesitantly.

"Theres a bunch of blue islands, which one?" Scargo tried to think of one of the islands they had passed that would make sense for them to be from, but a sudden yell caught his attention.
"Scargo, Pixolotl! We have to go, now!"
Scargo turned around to see Thwok at the entrance of the island, looking panicked.
"Whats going on?" He asked.

"Dad found us, he'll probably kill us if we don't get back to the island before him!" Scargo and Pixolotl were then fearful as well.

"Well, I guess that means we gotta go!" Scargo said, and they quickly ran off. Down the island and around the clouds, Thwok didn't come with, he had to warn the others.


Bona-Petite then walked over to the Boney island near them. They looked over, and saw and array of monsters. One had mouths for hands that clicked, another had two metal dangling boxes over it and sang into, one had a long extended mouth and long spines on its shell, and one that caught their attention the most was a bright orange creature that had a long tail which held a skull and three bones, which made a deep ringing sound. The creature then opened it's eyes and looked directly at them. It looked shocked, shaking its head then turning to its side as if trying to see if they were real. Then, another monster, which had a long neck that it plucked, also noticed it. A few other monsters looked back to see, still playing the strange melody, one that seemed as strange as theirs.

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