[Chapter Twenty-four] Knocked in the head.

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(Spoilers for the end of Tribe of Fire, but if your reading this, you probably don't care, and it's not done anyway.)

Finally, Fire Haven was connected to the cloud path of the magical islands. Mammott and Ghazt were the ones to explore, and now, three days ago they should have came back. Instead, they had sent up monsters to invesitgate, but they were attacked. After that, Ghazt had ran off, crashing into Kayna's arms with fear. He rambled with broken english as he began crying. Something about abuse, torture, being forced to office and more they could not keep up with. Then, they all went up, Wubbox and Rare did as well. They easily over powered the small Fire Haven army, but with a cost. Their leader—Volcana—had inflicted suicide on herself, diving off the island to the Ocean Below. Floogull tried to grab her, but it was obvious he was not quick enough. Instead of mouring with the others, he stood up and began preaching of her wrong doings. The other monsters seemed confused at first, but began to agree and understand, then chatting in victory.
Floogull had arranged with Kayna once they calmed, apologizing for their actions and hoping to approve. He guided them to their castle's basement, where a starved Gobbleygourd and Roogull sat in torment.
All the monsters upon Fire Haven were able to be readopted into regular monster life, relearning english and the island looked just as it had before being broken away. The only island they had to get now was Fire Oasis, which was planned to come some time in the next three months. Attmoz usually has accurate predictions about island drifting, and this one didn't seem to far off from the others. But, they were already advanced enough to have made a boat, begin branding new technology to islands around, and open the portal to the pocket dimension—where Magical sanctum and Ethereal island now resided, so why would they need to be connected anyways? It was what ever, it wasn't as important.
Now, they were inspecting the whole island to do a bit of redesign before they let the others finally make it home. Many of the rooms seemed clean, as if no one even stayed there. Finally reaching Volcana's room, it was not usual. Instead of clean and tidy, it was if a tribal monster had swarmed in, destroying everything around it. Shelves and a desk seemed torn apart, and somehow, things that shouldn't have been able to move, were. It was a total catastrophe.
"What in stars happened here?"

"No idea. How could it have gotten this bad?"
Flouress walked over to the shelf, books strewn along the ground. She picked up one of the books near her, though it was not ripped to shreds, it was definitely bent and torn from whatever did it.
"So, we have no account on how this happened?"

"No. Should i ask the others on the island if they know?"

"Sure. We got plenty of time."
Ziggurab then turned, walking back down. The only assumption they could make now is that Volcana did this in a flurry of rage. But why? What could have happened to make Volcana that angry?
Flouress then began to clean up the room. A messy room always made her cringe, her nerves becoming inflamed over small messes. No wonder the others made her the room inspector.
She cleaned up the minor messes, other big buildings around the room would take more than just her to fix.
Ziggurab came back into the room.
"Floogull knows, but he doesn't want to tell us. Do you want to try and get it out of him?"

"Don't force it from him, but at least someone knows. Now, can you try and help me fix this room up?"


On the same day they liberated Fire Haven from the tribal grasps, they had also found Fire's box. Wubbox was extremely exited, and other monsters offered to help get all the eggs to wake him up. Now, it was the day they wake him up.
Placing the Tring egg in front of the burning oven, it was absorbed immediately. Then with a long flash of light, the monsters stepped back as he was then built back to life. Fire stumbled back for a second, then looking down at his hands.

"Oh my stars i missed you so much!" Wubbox wrapped his arms around Fire in a hug. Fire smiled.
Reptillo stood by Plant, holding back a smirk and light laughter.
"How long was i out?" Fire asked him, leaning him back a bit.

"Oh, i don't know, at least two years? Thats how long Rare said it took to get me off the market, and i don't know how long ago the blast was."

"Well, at least your here now!" Fire pulled him back in. They hadn't seen each other in so long, it seemed unreal. Wubbox took in his warmth, feeling finally relieved of stress and worry. He didn't want this moment to end.
"...Well, i think it's time to go." Wubbox reluctantly said, stepping back.

"Oh.." Fire seemed seemed sad, and that pained Wubbox.

"Well, if you want, i we could bring you back to the natural islands."

"Oh, no thank you! I think i need to catch up at home before i go traveling."

"Thats alright, i understand. We will be on our way then. See you later!" They waved off, and back to the clouds. The moment had ended, and it was time to head home.

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