[Chapter Sixteen] awoken

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Energy flew through him. He could move his limbs again, finally. His mind was empty and dull with thoughts.
He opened his eyes quickly, and was blinded with color and light. He used his hands to cover them, and after a moment, looked around.
"What the hell..?"

"Been a while, hasn't is?" Rare said, standing in front of him next to Plant.

"I guess it has. How long was i out?"

"Oh jeez.. i dunno, two years? The sky ship that was selling your box was selling your for a rediculous price, and it took a long time to get that kind if money."

"Hold on, sky ship?"

"Yeah, its from Fire Oasis."

"Fire Oasis? Ok, woah, thats too much information right now. Before you awnser any of that, who are those two?" He pointed to the strange grey and yellow monsters that stood near them.
"Those are the Werdos. Don't ask me how they got here, because they were here before me and i have no idea. They're Tawkerr and Parlsona."

"Greetings." Tawkerr said.

"Nice to meet you!" Parlsona waved.
Wubbox stood still in astonishment. He was quiet, trying to take in everything he had just be hit with. Two years he was encased in a box? Two years of development without him? It felt more like thousands of millenniums.
"Is Fire ok?" Wubbox asked.

"We don't know were Fire Haven is right now, but when the sky ship comes back around, we'll ask if Kayna knows. Maybe they're nearby because they're both fire islands, and they could be close."

"I do remember Stoowarb wanted to check out that island a while ago. And he said he'd be the first Werdo there."

"Oh yeah, i remember." Tawkerr replied.

"I have so many questions, but, i won't ask right now. Are the other brothers ok too?"

"Oh yeah, they were perfectly fine. A bit dazed, but nothing serious. Ice was the first to be woken up actually."

"Here, how about you guys do your thing, and i'll help Wubbox readjust to this place." Plant suggested, though it was not a question. Rare didn't stop him, backing off with Parlsona and Tawkerr and to their places on the island.
"I know, it sucks to have a younger sibling teach you things, but it's important and i know how to do it."

"Yeah, it does."

"Anyways, lets start from the begining. So, the skyship is a ship flown by a single element fire element monster named Kayna. She's from Fire Oasis, which when we found it, was very techno...technoigikale.. advanced."


"What ever that word is. They said they were working on that ship for a long time, and they found an Amber Island along their first flight. Amber island is basically the 'home land' of monsters with the fire element."

"Thats a lot."

"It is, but its as simple as i can put it."

"What about the cloud path?"

"Good question. so when the 'great dying' happened, Attmoz's magic clouds began to break down, and the islands floated away. Now the sky ship is really the only way to travel around until we are able to make them too."

"What about the werdos."

"Heck if i know. Ask Mammot, he was here before everyone else, so he would know. Also, all single element monsters survived the great dying. So that was kinda weird."
That made sense. The single element monsters could survive pretty much anything because of their natural ability to survive weather of any kind. Then how did they not survive? They and the Celestials were single element and were able to survive anything as well. Maybe the natural elements were stronger.
"Anything else?" Wubbox asked.

"Yeah. We have this thing called currency. We get coins for jobs we do, and we pay for things. Example, i work as a guard for the castle, and i get four coins an hour. And theres like a 'super currency' called Gems. They can buy really special things!"

"Very interesting. But, how did monsters produce coins?"

"Ask Kayna, she brought them. Again, technogogily advanced."

"I guess she has a lot of explaining to do."

"Mhm. Anyways, i should probably get back to work. See you around man." Plant waved as he walked away. To the large castle near them. Wubbox watched him walk off. He was younger, yet was more better off than him. He never thought that was possible. He wondered what array of jobs they might have around the islands with the new economy. Maybe he could get a job. But, since the economy was mostly new, he could probably live without a job for a while.
He remembered. Wublin Island. His true home. Was it still there? What happened to his children? Were they still there? He had to know. Everything was to much, the reality of life was too much to bear once more. He couldn't leave them to die, he had to get them back to life. But, where would they be? The islands were no longer close by, and the clouds that once held them together had gone away. That sky ship must be the only way to travel now.

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