chapter 31

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6K WORDS©TKZabisha______________

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Taehyung was getting ready in the closet when Jungkook examined himself in the mirror one more time, picked up Taehyung's briefcase from the couch, and waited for him.

Both enjoyed spending a lot of time at the beach and the two-day long travel. The opening of Jungkook's university is just a few days away, but Taehyung needs to go to work. Otherwise, Taehyung wanted to take another day off and take Jungkook on another date.

Taehyung emerges from the closet holding a suit jacket in one hand while wearing a charcoal gray shirt and slacks.

Both of them never experienced any inconveniences because the closet on the left side of the bed was as large as the room. They comfortably dress in the closet after exiting the bathroom wearing their bathrobe.

Jungkook was pleased that today he would get to carry out some husbandly responsibilities. He was feeling bad that Taehyung took him out on two dates, even made him breakfast and dinner, and he hasn't done anything for Taehyung yet.

Today he would help Taehyung put on his jacket, pick up his briefcase, and serve him breakfast. He is aware that it is a simple chore, but he has no other option until he learns to cook.

"Let's go," Jungkook said with a smile.

Taehyung nodded and started walking with him.

Jungkook's smile fades a little because Taehyung didn't give him the suit jacket to hold. As his father always does, Mr. Jeon hands his wife his jacket and briefcase as soon as he is dressed, and they proceed to the kitchen together.

When Taehyung started talking to him as they descended the stairs, he snapped out of his reverie.

"Don't get bored sitting alone at home; you still have holidays, so call your friends, make plans, and have fun."

Jungkook smiled while nodding. But he had no regrets about not seeing his friends. He wasn't missing his friends. 

"But whenever you travel anywhere, please inform me beforehand." Taehyung added hesitantly, as he didn't want to give Jungkook the impression that he was being controlled. 

Jungkook gave a nod of agreement. He has no problem with it; Taehyung just wants to be informed in advance; it is not that he is demanding to have his permission.

Although Taehyung was relieved that Jungkook did not disagree with what he said, he still felt that it was better to make his point clear. 

"Because I'll be worried about you." Taehyung mumbled with an intense and loving gaze at him.

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