Part 11, a visit

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3rd POV

Athena lingered in the godly throne room. she had not heard a prayer from Annabeth in a week, and she was worried. turning to the mortal world, she stared at Annabeth, who lay half dead on a hospital bed! she saw Percy sitting by her side and became infuriated. he had something to do with her daughter's injury! Athena watched as Annabeth started thrashing in her bed and Percy kissed and comforted Annabeth until she was calm, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. Percy ordered them away. 

Poseidon had walked back into the throne room when he noticed the lone tear drifting down Athena's cheek. he walked over and saw what she was looking at, seeing Percy sitting by Annabeth

"He cares for no one as much as he cares for her," he said

"That's funny. Our rift over the city of Athens was healed by our children, and we acted so childlike as we bickered over the patrons of a simple city"

Annabeth's POV

I blinked through a haze of sleep. I saw Will.

"Will" I called. my voice was gravel. he rushed over

"Annabeth! hold still" he gripped my right arm as he started glowing, murmuring a hymn to Apollo as his magic worked its way into me. I spotted a bandage

"What happened?" I asked

"I have no idea. you and Ariana went missing, and Percy sent you an Iris message, hoping to see you, he found you here, came on the flying chariot, got horribly sick, and Ariana recovered from her concussion..." he trailed off as Percy re-entered the room. he ran to me.

"Annabeth!" he touched my face 

"Percy" I started crying

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