Part 18, looming

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Ariana's POV

Ron was ridiculously easy to scare. all I had to do was play with my sword ring and he blabbed about Hermione's plan. Probably helped that I had the gash above my eye and looked a little freaky. I would have gone straight to Dumbledore, but I decided to deal with Hermione first.

Krum. she managed to snag Krum. the only boy that pleased Aphrodite. That meant I would be attending the ball alone. I found the gargoyle 

"Lemon drops," I said. he leaped aside. I climbed the stairs

"Ariana. you returned from your scouting mission?" he said "With a price to pay, I see" eyeing my shorn hair

"Some sneaky cyclops thought that my hair was a good prize. they are ashes now. Our Enemy has a small legion of monsters on his side. a few battalions of Cyclopes. Hellhounds. Emposai. A large backup of skeletal warriors, and Circe. There were a group of masked wizards." I fiddled with my ring

"Death eaters?" He asked

"No. they wore masks made like the face of Medusa, in pure gold. they were the generals, ordering the attack formations. I managed to take out one before I had to flee. they will be here in four days." I finished

"The ball will commence. after that, I do not know"

"Suspend the classes except for DADA. we teach them how to fight with blades that can harm the monsters, except for a few to fend off the wizards. I can continue with my missions, knocking out as many of them as I can, and prioritizing the leaders. Maybe Circe, if I can manage. make sure the defenses are secure. I can call in some reinforcements from our base, Maybe even Festus. lay traps." I say. He nods. I continue  "When the attack comes, we make a few points where they can access, heavily guarded. Ambush them, then retreat back to the castle. make them think we only have so many fighters. lure them into a hasty advance, then show them our true strength in a crushing blow." 

"A noteworthy plan" He turns to the pensive 

"Annabeth and I could probably refine it. do you have a map of the grounds and borders?" I ask. He hands me a piece of parchment.

"I'll come back tomorrow with a game plan." I roll the paper up, "Thank you" I leave.

"Annabeth! I need youuuu!" I call up the stairs. Both she and Percy stumble down their respective staircases

"What?" They both mumble

"My mission." they both nod, and we take seats by the fireplace. "Scouting the enemy. they have Circe, a few battalions of monsters and some wizards in medusa masks. I assembled a hasty plan..."

Annabeth picks up my trail "You need me to help finalize it."

I turn to Percy. "we need to contact camp and get reinforcements after the ball. hopefully, we can get some power players to turn the tide. I'm doubling my missions to take out the wizards and hopefully, Circe."

"Ariana, you barely made it out!" Annabeth exclaims

"We need to do this. Percy, you need to keep teaching them how to fight. I gotta talk to Dumbledore after we revise my plan."

We waste the night making final revisions, and crash for a few hours of shut-eye before breakfast. I go back to Dumbledore's office before he arrives. he lets me into his office

"I have the final plan. Percy is contacting our base for reinforcements. they can be here in, three days? I might have to go get them. I'm going on another mission to take out Circe the day after tomorrow, maybe even capture her. once the help arrives, they can set up traps and assemble the plan in its final form" I explain

"Good. Ariana, I have an odd request." he stands up "I want to understand why you came here in the first place. can you lend a memory?"

"Yes. I think I can spare a memory" I stand next to him "Assuming I still have it?" He chuckles.

"Yes, you will still have the memories"

"Then, let's go for it" he taps my head with his wand, and a long silver strand comes out. he drops it in the pensive.       

"Shall we go?" He asks, I dunk my head into the pensive and start falling...

We're standing on the dock at camp half-blood, watching Annabeth and I talk.

"Where is this?" Dumbledore asks

"Our base. all the cabins are over there. That's Annabeth and me before we went to king's cross" I explain. we follow me through the water portal to the king's cross.

"You can make portals from water? I have underestimated your power" he looks calm. we see the hellhounds and the emposai attack Annabeth and watch me plunge into the maw of the hellhounds. "That seems unwise," he remarks. we watch as we fall through pillar nine and onto the magic platform. we come back to his office after we fall into Hogwarts. 

"That was very interesting" he finally decides to talk

"Yep. and my life is even more complicated than that" I explain my predicament with the gods 

"Ah. I assume Percy has the same abilities as you?"

"I'm more powerful. he can't do water portals, but otherwise, we're the same. Annabeth is the daughter of Athena, Nico is the son of Hades, and Will is the son of Apollo. Percy is self-explanatory." I pull some water from the air and turn it into a globe of water.  

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