Part 21, beginnings of the battle

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Ariana's POV

I collapsed on my bed. Aphrodite had sent Eros, the god EROS, to dance with me. when it was over, he kissed my cheek and flew out the window. my dress had turned back into my jumpsuit when I fell asleep.

"Ariana! wake up!" Someone shouts. I leap out of bed in battle position after kicking the yeller in the face.

"What the heck?" Hazel falls backward

"Sorry, Hazel!" I help her up "you just got here, I presume?"

"Yeah. We drew straws on who had to wake you up. everyone is waiting in the great hall." Hazel looks at me funny "What's in your hair?" I touch my head and find my hair braided with seashells

"Seashells. let's get going" I grab her wrist and run down the stairs.

By the time we reach the great hall, all the houses are assembled and all the other demigods are standing by the podium with Dumbledore. Hazel looks embarrassed, but I just stride ahead, do a cartwheel, and Dumbledore gives the school a basic version of the upcoming attack, then gives me the podium

"Thanks for paying attention. Our Enemy, who I cannot give a name to since I do not know, will attack the school in two days-" A chorus of shrieks and grumbles follows "And I have one plan on how to defeat them. after a conversation with Dumbledore, he has agreed to our plan and we shall put it into action. All classes have been suspended except for DADA. Me and my comrades will be teaching you how to fight with weapons that can defeat the creatures we will be fighting"

"Why do we have to fight, anyway?" Someone screams

"Because if you don't, they will slaughter everyone here without mercy. On that cheery note, If you have DADA scheduled today, you still have it! otherwise, you're in here learning blades, spears, and knives with us" I gesture to the campers. we have Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Will, Hazel, Leo, the hunters of Artemis (This is after TOA) Connor and Travis Stoll, Clarisse, Austin, Zara (I made her up), Jason, Piper, and Grover. and Festus. Dumbledore reclaims the podium 

"If you have a defense against the dark arts right now, please proceed to your classroom! otherwise, stay here" he waved his wand and the tables were replaced with weapon racks. I turn to Percy 

"I'm gonna supervise the Stolls when it comes to traps. can you, Clarisse, Reyna, and Annabeth handle teaching them weapons?" I say, then have to take nothing for an answer because Malfoy is swinging at Harry again. "Leave the weapons on the racks until we say so" I snarl. he drops his blade and I walk out of the great hall; and use the water from a puddle to capture the Stoll twins, who are the doors.

"Why?" they whine

"We need to set up traps." their eyes light up "Lethal ones" their eyes are flashlights now "For monsters"

I spend the next two hours making sure their traps could kill the monsters we would be fighting.

"Hey, Ariana? Percy sent me to relieve you of supervision" Zara jogs up to me

"Oh good. just make sure they set lethal traps that only trigger when monsters step on them." she nods and I walk away to the lake

"Hey Pauly" 

"My lady"

"I need to tell you something. this place is going to be attacked. lots of hostiles will come. please stay really deep. I can't lose you too." he sinks back into the depths. I make my way to the great hall, where everyone is properly terrified of Clarisse, who is teaching a quarter of the people how to use a spear, while the rest are following the other campers, who are teaching blades. I am not needed, so I meander over to the forbidden forest and hack apart some trees when I hear a whispered conversation

"I think this is the way to the magic school"

"You got us lost? thanks a lot, Marian" I hear their eyes roll

"Circe will reward us if we succeed! we can boost the attack from two days to tomorrow! more demigod flesh to eat!" they were definitely emposai. I hid in a patch of thick shrubbery and waited for them to pass.

"I see it! I see Hogwarts!" one howled. I jump out of the bushes and dissolve her. the other one is too far away for me to catch her, so I fall back.

"Connor! Travis! focus more on the forest! I need to tell Dumbledore something!" I shout as loudly as I can while I run, and arrive, panting slightly, at the gargoyle

"Lemon drops" he jumps aside. I come into his office

"A monster scouting party found the school. they can now navigate the forest. they will attack tomorrow." I manage to say through my panting "I gotta go alert the others" then I run down the stairs

"Tomorrow? you said we had two days!" Hazel squeaks

"Monster scouting party found the school. they will attack as soon as they can make it through." I move to leave "And I'm going to get some sleep." I had spent the last half an hour running around shoring up the defenses. It was nine PM. I crash on my bed  

"All right! listen up!" Clarisse, Percy, and I were elected "Battle leaders" we would lead the groups, and if we fell, one of the other demigods in the group would pick up our weapon and continue as leader. Each leader was drilling their own group. I had just said "Stab the things that try to kill you and avoid the weapons and giant dogs. put in earplugs" but Clarisse was playing drill sergeant and wanted to make sure we could kill them all. I lead my group to the lake.

"This is rendezvous. if you get separated from the platoon, come here, and I'll find you." They nod grimly. I make them return to the great hall while I pace the battlements, watching the forest. the first Hellhound runs out at 11 PM, but it triggers one of the traps and gets turned to golden dust. Percy puts a hand on my shoulder

"Ariana, not everyone is going to make it out tonight," He says "And I just want to be sure you won't feel responsible for their death." 

"I know that Hades will give them a fair trial." I push his hand off

"I understand"

"No, you don't! I spent my whole life in my place of greatest power and I still didn't save my best friend. I killed him because he was too stupidly loyal to flee when I told him to, I DISSOLVED him. you remind me of him. so no, do not say you understand my pain, because I killed him. I know you feel responsible for the deaths of your comrades in the last two wars because I feel it too." I pull a small silver ball from my chest, a long golden string connected to Percy. "These are my heartstrings, Percy. every demigod can see who they are emotionally attached to. I had this one with you before I met you, Percy. we are twins. if you pulled your heartstrings, we would have a connection we can see. I feel all your pain." I storm off, tears sliding down my face after I put my heartstrings back. 

I wait in front of the doors when Circe and her team of masked wizards arrive, carried by cyclopes. My battalion flanks me, and the monsters charge  

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