Chapter #1

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Marcy's POV

I was playing on my switch as I waited for class to start. Just as the teacher started the lesson the door opened turning everyone's attention to the girl who walked in. Of course it was none other than Sasha Waybright. I may not talk to her or know her personality everyone knows her name plus she stuck out the most out of anyone in this school sooo... It's not hard to tell.

As Sasha entered her blonde hair in he high pony tail swayed behind her from the force of the door opening. " Ahem, miss Waybright. You're late. " Our teacher, Mr. Tom, spoke with a frown even though you couldn't tell with his broom mustache covering his mouth.

"So? It was by a like minute. What's the big deal? " Sasha said dramatically crossing her arms with a annoyed look. Everyone was staring in anticipation curious to see what will happen. Mr. Tom just sighed and shook his head. " Doesn't matter Sasha, you were still late. " He said also crossing his arms. Sasha just rolled her eyes not interested in this conversation at all.

" It was one minute sir, seriously what could I have missed that made it this big of a deal? " Sasha said raising a eyebrow throwing her hair back. The teacher just said again and told her to sit down. She put her arms down and walked to her seat, right behind mine. 

After Class

Still Marcy's POV

After class finished I got my stuff together and walked to my locker. I started messing with stuff in my locker as I heard people talking and walking behind me. I heard the locker next to me open causing me to quickly glance to my right seeing none other than Sasha. I quickly looked back to my locker. I heard the rumors of what she did to people who look at her wrong. I heard her chuckle lightly making me look over at her to see her still looking straight ahead. I finish with getting my books and start closing my locker before I heard a commotion coming from behind. me

I turn around to see two boys pushing each other and yelling. The one boy looked familiar, oh right it's my brother. I sigh as Marky starts pushing the guy and getting more heated. I close my locker and walk towards them pushing through the crowd that started to form. " Marky. What are you doing? " I ask as I finally made it to the middle of the circle. I caught his attention as he looked over to me. " Oh hey Mar- " Just as he was about to say my name he got punched in the face by the other boy. That gets Marky going as he starts throwing punches back, oh boy.

Haha first story,
Not the best but I tried soo that's good enough.

Word count: 482

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