Chapter 9

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-Marcy's Pov(Italic and underlined text means they are texting)-

I opened my phone and read the text,

Sasha- Hey Mars I  just wanted to thank you again for the help and was wondering if maybe sometime you would want to hang out after school?

Me- Yeah sounds great! And no need to thank me I had fun.

Sasha- Awesome tomorrow sound good? It'll be Friday anyways.

Me- Ok, pick me up after school?

Sasha- Sure what's the address?

Me- ####### on ###### St

Sasha- Alright see you then darling.

I put my phone down staring at nothing blushing up a storm. ' Did she just call me darling?! ' was the only thought circling in my head. I was lost in my own very gay thoughts till I was snapped out of it by a knock on the door. I look to the door and speak, " Come in. " I try to calm my blush but it never seems to go away. " Hey dinner's done.... Are you ok? Looking red there? " Marky said as he opened the door before putting a confused almost worried look on his face. " Yes yes I'm fine no need to worry. " I say with a nervous smile. " Yeah well your tomato face isn't very convincing. " He crossed his arms as he spoke. He seemed to drift into thought before it looked like a light bulb light up in his head. " Was it Sasha? " He said quite enthusiastically with a smirky smile, I let out a groan.

" No Marky. " I said crossing my arms as well with a clearly annoyed look. " Whatever you say.  Come eat. " He says rolling his eyes and walking out. 


Sorry for such a short chapter after not posting for a while. Re watched all of rwby for the new volume and well personal problemssss. I'll try to get a better chapter out soon.

{Word coutn-282}

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