Chapter 6

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-Marcy's Pov (I swear we'll get to Sasha at some point\ forgot to say but Marcy took her shoes off at the door ok)-

That guy was scary, he looked like he was going to kill me! I get snapped out my thoughts from  Sasha clearing her throat. " ah sorry lost in thought. " I say scI set my bookbag down and start to take some books out.  I get my math notebook out and flip to my most recent notes. " Ok let's start, ready? " I ask looking at Sasha seeing her take some books out. She nods and I hum in response.

-15 minutes later-

" So a2 + b2 =....? " I draw off at the end motioning my head to Sasha for her to answer. "... c2? " She says looking at me. I  smile at her answer and nod making her let out a sigh of relief and a relieved smile. " Finally, that was so confusing. " I chuckle and flip the page in the book we are using. " Now time to find the area of a triangle. " I say and Sasha lets out a annoyed groan making me laugh. She smiles at me and we continue the work.

- Another timeskippp 3 hours later-

I check the time seeing it was already 7:59 making me shoot up. "Crap I gotta get home! " I say and start packing quickly. " Mars calm down, you can stay here for the night if you want. " Sasha says making me stop in my tracks and look up at her. " Are you sure? " I ask standing up from my kneeling position. She nods and smiles, " Yeah I'm sure, you can just use some of my clothes . " She says and I smile back at her. " Well then I'd love to stay the night. Just let me tell my dad. " With that she nods and I take my phone out. I text my dad and he gives me confirmation. 

We continue studying before my stomach growls interrupting my sentence. She chuckles before speaking, " There's food downstairs I don't think my dad made dinner. " she says and I nod. We start to walk downstairs Sasha leading the way. We make it to the kitchen as I look around since I never did get a good look at the place before. My eyes land on Sasha's dad sitting on the couch watching tv while drinking some kind of alcohol. We walk into the kitchen and start looking for something to eat. Deciding to just make some sandwiches, while I made them Sasha got us something to drink.  It was all quite besides from the tv in the background till we heard a booming voice coming from behind us.


To be continued >:> This one took forever since my friend was talkin to me during it and I struggled a little with what to write ngl sorry for the short chapters I want to do longer ones i just struggle with focusinggg

{Word Count-466}  

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