Chapter 20

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-Marcy's Pov(Rara)-

" Sorry about that Sash, he's weird. " I say looking closing the door. I go and sit on the bed with her crossing my legs. " It's fine Mars, just caught me off guard. " she says and I let out a sigh, " Good I hope he didn't make you too uncomfortable. " She waves a dismissive hand. " Nah, just kinda weirded me out. " she says with a comforting smile. I smile back at her and think of what Marky said. Just the thought of it makes me blush. I turn my gaze and hear Sasha clear her throat. " Those questions did come out of the blue. " She says laying down putting her arms behind her head.

" He's annoying. " I groan. " I wonder who the friend was. " She says and I blush looking away again, I let out a nervous laugh. " Yeah... wonder who. " Sasha gives me a confused look before it turned to a smirk, " Why so nervous? " She says sitting up still with the weird smirk. " Wha- me? No no I'm not nervous no, " I shake my head, " .. No.. " " Oh yeah? You wouldn't mind if I kissed you then.... would you? " I turn even redder, " I-I, ah, no? B-but I me-an... uh- " I'm cut off by Sasha's lips on mine. My eyes go wide and before I can reciprocate she pulls away. I try to speak but it comes out in a jumble of stuttered words. Sasha chuckles, " Were you that friend, Marcy? "Sasha asked leaning back, I nod slowly.

Sasha just laughs some more, " Well that saves the embarrassment of me getting it wrong.... I like you too Mars. I wouldn't of kissed you if not. " She says and I nod, " So does this mean we're dating? " I ask, " Do you want to? " 

" Yes " 

" Well then Marcy Wu, will you be my girlfriend? "

" Yes. Yes I will. " 

She smiles and leans in, just as she as about to kiss me again there was a knock on the door. 


Yeah that one was short, idk they kissed tho so yeah

Sorry for wait 

{ Word count-365}

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