Chapter 13

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-Marcy's Pov(Ganqing hell yeah)-

  As we made it to the intersection we stopped, " Well this is where we split ways. " I said waving to Sasha turning right, Marky next to me. " Bye Mars! See you soon, bye Marky! " Sasha called out as we walked away. Marky said his goodbyes to her as she counited going forwards. " Sooo you got a date eh? " He said drawing out the o. I groan and slouch slightly, " It's not a date.... I don't think? " I mumble the last part to myself. It wasn't a date right? She never said it was. " Yeah sure, she totally digs you. " He said elbowing me with a knowing grin.

  I shake my head straightening  up putting my hands on my bookbag straps. " Yeah right. " I say rolling my eyes in a slightly upset tone. " You know I know you like her, and I know you know you do. " He said and I give him a confused look, " What? " I ask not understanding a thing he said. " I know you like her, and I know you know you don't just she her as a friend. " He said emphasizing just. " I do not. " I say he raises a eyebrow at me. " Mars, you blush at her, smile brighter at her, talk to her with that look. You are gay and gay for the Waybright. " He says, " No I- " I take a moment to think about it, " Holy frog I do like Sasha. " I say the realization hitting me like a truck. Thinking now to all the times my chest got tighter when she talked to her friends, when my heart would beat faster when she just smiled at me. It all made sense and I feel like an idiot for not realizing it sooner.

   " There you go... now you just gotta confess. " He says letting out a relived sigh. " Yeah right, I'm not doing that. " I said shaking my head and making a x with my arms. 

" Don't worry, I'll give you that confirmation you need to do it! "

" And how do you plan on doing that? Without letting her know, Marky. No offense but you're not the subtle type. " I shoot the idea down. " Hey! I can so do this. Just watch you'll get that confirmation you need and you'll be thanking me for getting you two together. " He said, " Alright cupid, how do you plan to do this? " I say with a raised eyebrow crossing my arms again. " Ah ah ah, that's for me to know and for you to never find out. " " You don't actually have a plan do you? " I say his smile drops as he hangs his head low. " No I don't. " Yeah this is going great so far. " I say patting his back. " We're home. " I say as I start unlocking the door. 


Hehe feelings, RWBY early volumes awesome listen to them the first 3 are the best. 

{Word count-515}

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