Chapter 2

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-Marcy's Pov-

After the first punch was thrown all hell broke lose, there were people chanting, Marky started punching and kicking. Even though he looks like a noodle he has some strength behind his punches. He ended up getting the other kid on the ground who curled up trying to protect his head from the rain of punches Marky was throwing at him. At one point the kid on the ground hit Marky with a good kick in the stomach knocking the wind out of him and knocking him back . It took Marky a second to get his breath back but by the time he did the kid was up a throwing a punch to his face. It hit him right in the nose making him bleed. Marky took no time throwing a punch back. Just as his fist made contact with his face a yell was heard that made everyone freeze.

" Stop right there! " Everyone made a path for the woman who yelled. Once she made it to the middle she looked at both boys. " Let's go you two are coming with me. " She said with a agitated tone. " Yes principle Murphy." Both boys said putting their heads down. As they started to follow her. Another teach that was behind her started behind to say " All you get to class. " then she walked off with the principle.

After the teacher said that everyone started leaving the circle and heading to their classes. As I was walking to class I could see Sasha talking with her friend group. I noticed one girl was missing though. " Hey guys! Sorry I was late my coach needed help with something. " The missing girl, Anne Boonchuy, said.  I glanced over to the seeing Anne was still in her tennis outfit. They continued talking but I blocked them out as I was almost to my next class.

-After class still Marcy's Pov-

 After class finished it was finally time for lunch. I went to my locker to put all my things away and get my lunch box out, it was green and black with stickers of Vagabondia Chronicles, my favorite game, and a few stickers from her favorite anime plus the non binary and lesbian stickers.  As I left to go the the library to study and eat I saw my math teacher, Mr. Tom start walking towards me with Sasha in tow. " Ah Marcy just the kid we were looking for. Come with us. " He said with a big smile, even with the smile I was nervous about what he needed me for.

As we walked the halls me and Sasha next to each other following behind him. We made it to his class room, he held the door for us and signaled for us to walk in first. He came in shortly after closing the door and sitting at his desk. He motions his head to the chairs in front of the desk. " So why am I here? " I ask sitting down. He put his hands together and rested his elbows on the desk leaning slightly on them. " Right, so Miss Waybright here is struggling in math to say the least. And since you have the best grade in this class I thought you would be the best suited to tutor her. " He said with a slight smile. I glanced at Sasha to see her looking away wit hwhat I can only assume is a embarrassed blush as she crosses her arms. I look  back at the teacher who is still smiling at me.

" Uh... sure, for how long? " As I said those words he smile grew. " Perfect! I knew you would. As for how long... I guess that depends on how long it takes for Sasha to start getting A's. " He said. I nod before speaking again. " When would we start? " " Whenever you two decide on. You're dismissed. " He said still smiling as he stands up to leave. As he walks out Sasha turns to me her embarrassed blush gone. " So when are you free? " She asked uncrossing her arms. " I'm free now if you want? " I say with a small smile. " Sure, every other day during lunch time sound good for you? " Sasha says with a nod as we get up and start walking out towards the library. 


Nice another chapter donee

{Word count- 747]

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