Chapter 14

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-Marcy Pov(I hate Childe but female Childe so pretty)-

  We walked inside and took our shoes off. We heard no response from anyone to my callout. " Hello? Mom dad? " I said louder still getting no response. " Are they working late? " Marky asked walking towards the kitchen. " Maybe. " I say following behind him. " There's a note let's see it says, Dear Marky and Marcy, Work called me in. I will be working late tonight your mother should be getting home as usual. Love dad. " Marky said reading the note aloud. " Well then looks like we'll be home alone for awhile. " I say, mom doesn't usually get back till 7. " Yeah I'll be home alone you have a little date to get to. " He said putting emphasis on I'll. I roll my eyes, " It's not a date Marky. How many times do I have to tell you this. " I say he shrugs. " Till you prove it's true. " I just groan. " I'm going to my room. " And with that I went to my room to do my homework quickly.

After I was done I checked the time. 3:20pm, alright I have an hour and 10 minutes to get ready. I look in my wardrobe for an outfit. I get out a white button up shirt and a dark green plaid vest. Matching that with some slightly ripped black jeans I go to the shower.  After my shower I still have 50 minutes left. I get dressed do my hair and brush my teeth. 30 minutes left. I go to my room and grab my phone. I put socks and my white and brown sneakers on. I play games till I get a text.


Sasha- I'm on the wayyy

Me- Oki I'm ready! :>

Sasha- Can't wait to see you.

Me- Same here :D


I wait 25 minutes knowing it takes about 30 to walk from her house to mine. I put my phone in my pocket and put my headphones around my neck. " Bye Marky! " I said as I walked outside and sat on the porch steps to wait. A few minutes later I see the blonde haired girl walk past my neighbor's house. " Hey Mar-Mar. " She says taking one hand out of her jacket pocket to wave. I wave back and take a moment to examine her outfit. She had a white shirt with a black leather jacket on, pairing that with Some ripped light blue jeans and combat boots. I'd be lying if I said she wasn't very pretty. I heard her chuckle, " Take a picture it'll last longer. "  She says with a smirk, my face blows up in a bright blush. " I-I wasn't s-staring! " I stutter out crossing my arms and turning my head away from her wit ha pout. She chuckles and shakes her head. " Yeah sure, you ready? " She asks and I nod looking back at her. And with that we were on our way.


Yay date/hangout next chapter

{Word count-509}

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