Chapter 23

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-Marcy's Pov( Sasharcy photo cause I don't do that a lot)-

 As we are walking I feel her hand brush against mine, I glance down then back at her. She has a nervous smile and I smile back, taking her hand in mine. She smiles brighter, her cheeks tinted pink. We continue to talk as we make our way to town. We end up going to an ice cream parlor. We sit at a booth as Sasha tells me about what happened a couple days ago. Apparently some kids broke into a fight during class over some sport. I never understood the hype about sports, I mean they are fun to play in games but that's as far as I'll go with playing one. 

 A waiter came over, " Hello ladies, my names Amy, today's special is the rainbow sherbet sundae. What can I get for you today?  " I hum and give Sasha the chance to order first. " I'll have the strawberry milkshake with extra cherries, please. " Amy nods and looks at me. " And for you miss? " " I'll have the strawberry sherbet. " I say with a smile she nods and smiles back. " If that's all I'll be right back. "

 Soon after she leaves she comes back with our ice cream. We thank her and start eating. After we finished and went to pay. I took out my wallet but Sasha pushed my hand down, " I got it. " " Are you sure? " I ask and she nods, I nod back, close and put my wallet into my pocket again. " Thank you come again! " Amy says waving, we wave back and walk out. Holding hands again going to the park. Sasha leads me on a rather hidden path way. " where are we going? " I ask looking around, it was eyry yet beautiful, there was a dirt path in which we were walking on with tall trees on both sides the only sound being our footsteps and the wild life around us.

 " That is for me to know and for you to find out. " She says with a wink and sly smile. Not only did it make me blush but it made me even more curious. After a minute of walking we made it to a clearing. It took my breath away at the view. It was a cliff with a beautiful sunset you could see the large lake and far away land with a beautiful forest. We walk to the edge and sit down our legs dangling. I could see birds flying and could hear the sounds of the lake below. " It's..... so beautiful. " I say in awe, Sasha looks and me and smiles letting out a chuckle. " Not as beautiful as you. " She says quite almost to low for me to hear. I blush and nod, " Thank you. " I say she looks shocked for a moment before smiling. She leans in and gives me a quick peak on the lips. 

 We continue watching the sun set in peaceful silence.


 As the sun was almost set we decide to get up and start heading home. We arrive at my house first. " bye Mars, I had fun. " Sasha said with a smile I smile back. " Same thank you for buying my ice cream. "I say and kiss her lips. After we part we give one last smile and wave before she walks off. I enter my house and see Marky sitting on the couch playing a game. " Hey Mar-Mar, how was the date? " He said with a smirk. " It was nice, we both had a good time. " I say taking my shoes off walking upstairs to my room. 

 Once I make it in my room I get my pj'ss and get ready for bed. Deciding on playing games instead of going right to bed I play till 2am. Realizing the time I quickly shut the game off and try and sleep. 


Look at that a full date chapter. As this story comes to an end I'm going to think of what to make the next story be(Obviously gxg cause yes) sooo Ig if you got any ship ideas tell me and it might be in the next book :P

{ Word count-679}

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