Chapter 18

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-Sasha Pov(RWBY! Italics are gonna be thoughts example: It's a rara)-

It was quite besides for the sounds of Marcy's game and me talking.  After a few minutes I was interrupted when Marcy let out a loud groan and fell backwards on her bed. ' You good there Mars? " I ask with a raised eyebrow and confused smile. She put her hands on her face an shake her head no. " What's up? " I ask again now even more confused. If I wasn't concerned on what's wrong I would of been a blushing mess at just how cute she was. " I can't beat this one stupid level! " She exclaimed throwing her hands up into the air an letting them fall back down. I just laugh causing her to sit up and give me a confused look. " You're cute you know that, Mars? " I say without thinking.

Marcy's face blows up into a blush and it takes me a moment to realized what I said, when I do my face becomes redder than Ruby's cape.( I wanted a RWBY insert ok? Let me have this.. volume 9 good, bmblb ) " Forget I said that! " I said covering my face with my hands, this was quite the embarrassment 

-Marcy's Pov-

She called me cute! I was internally fangirling when I heard Sasha speak, " Forget I said that! " She said more like yelled. I nodded but I doubt she saw since she was covering her face. " I'm going to go get a drink... want anything? " I ask she nods not taking her face out of her hands, " Water please. " I nod and walk out my face still on fire.

I see my dad cooking in the kitchen as I grab two water bottles from the fridge. " Hey kiddo, I heard yelling up there, everything ok? " " Yep all good! " I say with a smile my blush dying down, now only dusting my cheeks. He nods, " Alright, dinner will be done in 5. " I say ok and head to my room to see Sasha sitting at the side of the bed looking at the floor. She hears me come in and looks up. It seems her red face is also gone." Here ya go. My dad said dinner will be done in 5. " I say handing her the water bottle. " Ok what should we do now. " We spend the next couple minutes just talking till we get called down for dinner.

Dad brings out the food we all say thank you and start eating. Marky has a evil smirk, I seem to be the only one to notice.  I gave him a confused look and he winked at me. " So Sasha, you dating anybody? " He says and the stupid smirk makes sense. Sasha caught off guard by the question chokes on her drink. I pat her back and she regains herself. " What's with the sudden question? " She asks, I death glare him but his smirk only  grows." Oh y'know, I know someone who wants to know. " Yeah I'm going to kill him.


Google wanted to be a little mouse so I had to reset stuff and it took awhileeee

It's a rara

{Word count-530}

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