Chapter 24

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-Marcy's Pov(Look at that cat stretch)-

 I was having a peaceful sleep when I was rudely awoken by a blaring alarm. I groggily opened my eyes and slammed my hand onto the alarm clock turning it off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I stretched and checked the time, I still had 10 minutes before I had to get up. Debating on whether  to get up or rest some more. 

 Making my mind up I flop back down and cuddled up into my blankets, closing my eyes. I wake up to the sunlight shinning in my face. I block my eyes and grab my phone to check the time. 8:37... I'm late. Rushing to get up I change and run out the door still tying my shoe. I run to school rushing to get to class.

 I fling the door letting out huffs and pants. All eyes are on me as I make my way to my seat. I collapse into it still breathing heavily. Sasha sitting next to me leans over, " Nice job getting here on time. Teacher just walked out, he hasn't done attendance. " I let out a sigh of relief as she says that. The teacher walks back into class as I start getting my things out. 

 " Ah Marcy, I didn't see you earlier? " He says placing his cup down. " I was here the whole time, sir. " I say looking down at my notes. He lets out a hum, " Very well then, let's start attendance then. " He says. 

-After classes(Lunch time)-

 I walk out of my last class for the morning with  Sasha, Marky and Anne. They were all talking as I stayed silent. I saw out the corner of my eye Marky do the fake stretch thing and put his arm around Anne. She didn't seem to mind and just leaned into him more continuing to talk with Sasha. I felt Sasha slip her hand into mine making me smile. I squeeze her hand once, then four times, then three. She glances a confused look but I tilt my head and smile. She smiles back a light blush dusting her cheeks. 

 -Time skip to after school-

 I'm walking with Sasha, hand and hand again, to her house in peaceful silence when she speaks, " What was that hand squeegeeing earlier? "  I tilt my head in confusion before making an o with my mouth. " It means I love you, " " I- " I say squeezing her hand once, " love- " I squeeze it four times, " you. " I squeeze it a final three. She smiles and squeezes mine to same amount while saying. " I love you too. " 

 I smile brighter we both have a blush as we counite walking talking about our day. This was a perfect ending to my story... at least for this chapter of my story.


-The End-


And there we go, done. Might end a epilog idk we'll see what happens. Hope you guys enjoyed, it was my first story sooo not the best but idk maybe when I get better I'll come back and re-write it.

{Word count-49}

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