Chapter 17

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Marcy's Pov(About time I put a Sasharcy pic, I forgot who I got these from but they all from pintrest)-

As we used the last bit of time up we were playing a shooting game. " Ugh how are you so good at this! " Sasha groaned out, I had a perfect headshot streak while Sasha had a not so good streak. " I don't know, I'm good with long range weapons. " I said shrugging getting another headshot and finishing the game. " Jeez those zombies stood no chance. Remind me to never give you a gun. " Sasha said and I giggled, " Will do. " I said and she laughed as well. " Looks like that was the last bit of time we had, " Sasha took out her phone, " And it's 7 so we should get back home. " I nod and we start walking out. We were talking happily till it started raining. We quickly ran to my house as we were almost there.

We made it to the porch still soaked. " Ah well this sucks. " Sasha said, " Yeah it does... Uh you can just spend the night here? If you want I mean, you know snice it's raining and all. " I say. Sasha takes a second to think about it before nodding, " Sure, if your parents don't mind it that is." " I'm sure they won't. " And with that we walk in. " Mom, dad I'm home! " I call out taking my shoes off Sasha doing so as well. My dad comes around the corner with a bowl while he's mixing it. " Ah there you are, I thought you ran away or something. Who's the girl? " He says motioning his head to the blonde standing behind me. " This is Sasha. " I say pointing to her, " Hello. " She says waving with a smile, " Hello, why is she here? " He asks turning his attention back to me. " It started raining pretty bad so I was wondering if she could stay over? " I said giving him puppy eyes. He sighed, " Fine, dry off you're dripping all over the carpet. " " Thanks dad! " I said and grabbed Sasha's hand leading her to my room.

-Sasha's Pov-

I feel my face light up as I try not to think about it. Her hands so warm and soft though, it makes it quite hard not to think about it. we arrive at her room and go in. She lets go of my hand walking over to her dresser before speaking. " You can sit in the chair. " She says motioning her head to the desk chair. I nod and sit down waiting for her as she goes through her clothes. " Here we go. " She says handing me shorts and a t-shirt. " Thanks, where can I change? " I ask. " First door on your right when you leave is the bathroom. " And with that I'm off to get changed. I come back in to see Marcy has already changed and is sitting on her bed playing games. she is in simple pajama pants and a anime sweatshirt. I sit down next to her talking as she is to focused in her game but I don't mind. 


Haha I forgot to post this last night so.....Oops

{Word count-588}

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