Chapter 15

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-Marcy Pov(Bmblb is so cute and the song is great)-

We started walking while talking it was a nice day, everything seemed great so far. As Sasha was telling me a story about how some kid tried to ask her out someone bumped into me. " Oof! " I exclaimed as I was knocked onto the ground. " Ah! Sorry. " The woman replied sticking her hand out for me. I grabbed it, " You have to be more carful, Olivia dear. " A woman said standing beside the blue haired woman, who I now know as Oliva, said. " It's fine, really. " I say dusting myself off. " Sorry about my wife she tends to not look where she is going. I'm Yunnan, this is Oliva. " The white haired-blonde says and I nod. " I'm Marcy, this is Sasha. " I say pointing to Sasha who has just been standing there. She waves, " Sup. " Yunnan nods at her, " Well we'll be going, have a good day you two. " We wave bye as they head off.

" They were nice. " I say as we continue on our way. Sasha nods, " Yeah they were. " 

-Timeskip to them arriving at the café-

" Woah. " I say in amazement, this place is so cool! There's a sign that has a cat on it reading ' Cuties Café ' . " Did I mention this was a cat café? " Sasha says opening the door, " No! " I say getting more excited by the minute. I love cats. I go in as she follows the door makes a bell ring when Sasha opens it. It has a nice hardwood floor with cat wallpaper and cats everywhere. " Hello! Welcome to Cuties Café. " A girl says from behind the counter. Me and Sasha walk up to her looking at the menu. " Is this your first times here? " She asks, I take a minute to look over her features. She has a maid dress on with cat black spotted cat ears and a bell around her neck. She even has a little tail. " It is actually, we heard of a new café and decided to check it out. " Sasha replied. The girl nods, " Well if you like sweets I suggest the cloud milkshake, it goes really well with the macaroons. " She says and I nod, " Alright then I'll take that. " She nods putting it in the register and looking at Sasha, " And for you miss? "

" I'll take the caramel cookieshake,  please. " Sasha says, " Alrighty that'll be right out, Can I have a name for the order? " " Sasha. " I say and she nods. " Alrighty,  you ladies can go sit or play with the cats, all we ask is you don't be aggressive or hurt them. " She says and we nod making our way to the carpet with all the cats. I immediately sit down and start playing with them. A ginger cat walks over and plops down letting me pet it. I gush over it seeing Sasha stare at me and the cat.

-Sasha's Pov-

She's so cute, even when she's not trying. I say with a loving smile. I blush ever so slightly as I stare at her. I sit down next to her our shoulders touching as I pet the cat as well. Her cheeks heat up slightly, I smirk. " Blushing from such little contact? " I say making her face go even redder it looks like it could be a tomato. I laugh, " I'm kidding Marce. " I say and she nods shaking her head to calm herself down. " Right. " She says, we continue with the cat and talking till we hear my name get called up. We get our food and drinks taking a seat at a booth. " This is so good! " Marcy says after taking a sip, her eyes glowing with joy . I chuckle and take a sip of mine. " Omg it's amazing. " I say in awe my eyes full of gleam. We eat and talk about school and other boring stuff. Yet any topic with Marcy is interesting. I pay and we start to head out. " Now what? " Marcy asks. " The arcade. " I say watching her eyes light up. " Yes! I love the arcade. " She says. 


Waha I was listening to all of the RWBY songs during this( I had to change first imagine cause I did that one before-)

{Word count-744}

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