Chapter 19

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-Marky's Pov(Baby Ganqing cause I said so...Ganyu best goat girl)-

I could see the death glare Marcy was giving me but I ignored it, I was helping her anyways. Sasha was blushing whether it was out of shock or embarrassment is unknown. She takes a sip of water before speaking, " No I'm not....and who's the friend? " Sasha asked, I watched as Marcy grew a quick face of panic before it went away. " No one important. " I say. Sasha gives me a confused look but goes back to eating. " So Marcy you dating anyone? " Now Marcy was the shocked and blushing one. " Marky stop asking such weird questions! " Marcy exclaimed making me laugh. " It's just a question Mars. " She huffs and sits down, I was expecting her to stay quite or our parents to step in but they seem to be in their own world talking. " No, Marky, I am not dating anyone. Now drop the questions. " " Alright alright, " I put my hands up before putting them together and my elbows on the table resting my head on them, " You two would be cute together though. " I said watching them both blow up red.

" Mom! Dad! Tell Marky to shut up! " Marcy yelled slamming her hands on the table standing up still redder than red. I look at Sasha and somehow she seems to be redder than Marcy. This conforms my theory she for sure has the hots for Mars. " Marky stop annoying your sister and her friend. " Dad says I roll my eyes and turn to look at him, " I was done anyways. I got all I needed.  " I say, everyone gives me a confused look before it clicks in Marcy's head. 

-Marcy's Pov-

I was confused at first when Marky said that, then it clicked. I didn't know if I should thank him or hit him... maybe both. I sigh and shake my head, " Marky we need to talk. Now. " I say and he nods. We get up and go to the kitchen leaving Sasha and our parents to talk. " Marky what the hell. Why'd you do it during dinner! With our parents! " I say putting emphasis on 'our parents'. He just smirks, " Well I got you an answer didn't I? She totally likes you! She was redder than you. And you looked like a tomato. " He said I cross my arms. " Yeah, because she was embarrassed. " " Yeah sure. Like I believe that. " He said also crossing his arms. I groan, " Just back off. " I said and he shrugged, " Well hurry up and confess before I tell her for you. " 

" You wouldn't. "

" Watch me. "

" I will kill you Marky I swear if you even dare to. " He smirks when I say that. " Fine fine, I'll let you go at your own pace. I'll just be giving you a push every now and again. " I give him a confused look but he pushes us out and to the table. I sigh and we counite to eat in silence. When done I drag Sasha up to my room to get away from Marky. 


Thinking of having a confession next chapter idk

{Word count-551}

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