Chapter 4

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-Marcy's Pov-

After the librarian broke me out of my "trance" of sorts, I apologized and starting walking back to my locker. I put my lunchbox away and got my books for my second to final class out. As I walked to class a certain blonde haired girl kept coming to mind. I tried my best to push the thought of her out of my mind yet I couldn't find myself thinking of anything but her.

I made it to class and sat down now pushing any thoughts of Sasha out of my head and focusing on my notes. The teacher Mrs. G came in shortly after the bell making everyone go quite, she was the type of teacher no one messes with. People even rumored she killed a kid for misbehaving which is obviously a lie.... probably.

-After the last two classes-

School is finally over, that took way to long. I went to my locker and got my bag out. I put my headphones on, found some music and started the 10 minute walk home. I was playing my switch the whole walk home but once I made it I put my headphones around my neck and walked in. " Hey mom hey dad. " I said as I started going up the stairs.

" Hold it. " I heard my dad say making me stop and pause my game. " Yeah? " I ask. " What happened today with Marky? " He asked crossing his arms. I walk down the stairs some to the bottom step before speaking. " He got into a fight and was taken to the principal's office. " I said, my dad just nodded in response. " And where is he now? " He asks and I take a second to think before answering. " I don't know actually, I think he's still at school maybe in detention. Did they not call you? " I ask.

He nods and uncrosses his arms. " Yes, I just wanted to make sure they got the story right. Your mother is picking him up now I'm going to finish dinner. " He says before walking off the the kitchen as I continue my way up the stairs. Once I get to my room I throw my bag on the floor before getting a change of clothes and getting in the shower.

After my shower I dried my hair and started working on my homework. Although I got distracted half way through and started playing games instead.

*Knock knock knock*

"Yeahh? " I call to the mystery person knocking. " Mars it's me. " I hear from the other side. " Come in, Marky. " I return as I turn my focus to the door. I see him walk in with a few bandages on his face and one on his lower right arm.

" What's up? " I ask.
" Right so, how do you politely reject someone? " He asks.

" What? You need help with that? Don't you reject people all the time, why do you need help now? "

" Yeah but this one is friends with Anne. "

" Wait wait wait... so a friend of the girl you like, asked you out? Does she know you like Anne? "

" Well yeah, but I don't want to be mean about it cause she's friends with Anne. "

" And you don't want to appear mean and have her friend not like you? "

" Yes. "

" I don't know how to help with that, I'm not really s romantic person... Just say you like someone else. " I said shrugging. He sighs and hangs his head looking at his lap. " Alright they should be easy enough. " He nods before walking out. " Thanks Mars! " I hear him say just as the door closes. Once he leaves I go back to my homework now needing to get it done.

Honestly don't know what I think of this one. I wrote it in the car so sorry if there's spelling mistakes.

{Word count- 642}

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