Chapter 3

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-Marcy's Pov-

We walked down the hall in silence side by side. After the short walk to the library we went in and to the back tables were we'd be alone. We sat down and I turned to look at Sasha who was taking out her math books. " So what do you need help on first? " I ask making her turn to look at me before counting to take her notebook and pencil case out. " I need help with... all of it.. " She says the last bit too quietly for me to hear so I lean in slightly. " what was that? " I ask making her glance at me before sighing. " All of it, I don't understand math at all it's to confusing. " She says putting her elbows on  the table and her head in her hands. I nod and lean back. "Ok then let's start with what you do know. " 

-Timeskip towards end of lunch-

" So x = 93? " Sasha asks as I nod. " Yeah, now you're getting it. Proud of you Sash. " I say with a grin. She chuckles slightly before speaking, " Sash? Where'd that come from? " I blush now slightly embarrassed. " Ah sorry just slip of the tongue. " I say with a nervous smile. " It's fine, I kind of like the nickname. " She says with a smile causing me to smile back. " If you give me a nickname it's only fair I give you one to right? " She says with a smile as she starts to think. "Hmm.... alright I got one, you shall now have the nickname of mar-mar. " She says with a big grin putting her head in her right hand. I chuckle, " Alright then, mar-mar and Sash. " I say with a smile just as big as hers. 

-Ring Ring Ring-

We hear the bell going off signaling the end of lunch. As Sasha starts packing her bag I help stack the papers. " So see you Friday? " I ask as I hand her the pink notebook she had been writing in. " Yep see you Friday Mar-mar. " And with that she's off, I stare in the direction she walked off in until I heard someone clear their throat. I look behind me to see the librarian standing arms crossed with a slight glare. " Stop blushing at get going to class you have 2 minutes. " She says with a stern tone and look. i quickly nod and leave not even taking the time to realize she said I was blushing.


Raptado chapter 3 done ngl I got distracted half way through with my friend messaging me, I'll be going away for the weekend so idk if I will be able to post on here but I'll try.

{Word count- 477}

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