Chapter 8

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(I felt like adding this cute photo of kid Ganyu and Lumine, Ganyu best goat girl fr)

-Sasha Pov\In the morning-


I groan as I open my eyes getting blinded by the sunlight shining in through my window. I look over my phone going off. I turn it off and sit up rubbing my eyes with a yawn. I look over at Marcy seeing her sleeping peacefully.  I admire her as a small smile grew on my face as well a blush. I shake my to get my thoughts in line. As I get up and kneel to her level, I gently shook her arm. She stirred in her sleep as her eyes fluttered open. She rubbed her eyes, she looked up at me and stretched. " What time is it? " She asked looking for her phone. " It's 6:30, we have school, you can borrow my clothes just give them back tomorrow before the weekend.  " I say and she nods as she sits up. " Sounds good. " 

-Mary's Pov-

Sasha gets up and goes over to her closet. She gets out the school shirt and a pink skirt. " Looks like we're going to match. " She says and I give her a slight nod getting up. She hands me the clothes and I go get changed and brush my teeth and hair. Once I'm done I go out and Sasha goes in. Once we're done it's about 7-7:10, we go downstairs with our schoolbags. We eat breakfast and go our separate ways. Sasha goes by Anne's house, I know that because she told me, I on the other hand get my bike and bike to school. Once I arrive I park my bike and go inside. School starts in about 30 minutes so I go to the library. I play on my switch with my headphones in, the music is playing quite loud blocking out any other sounds.

I suddenly feel two hands grab my shoulders making me let out a shriek and jump slightly. My headphones fall down as I turn my head to see none other than the Waybright and Anne laughing. I give them an unamused expression as I turn my music off and pause my game. " Haha very funny. " I say sarcastically giving a small smile towards them as they laugh harder. " Sorry Mars but it WAS funny. " Sasha says putting emphasis on was. I smile and hit her arm lightly with a chuckle.

After they stopped laughing Anne spoke up, " Ah right I don't think we've met before, " She stuck her hand out for me to shake which I did as she continued speaking, " I'm Anne Boonchuy. " She finishes with a smile. I smile in return, " Marcy, Marcy Wu, Pleasure to meet you Anne. " She nods back at me, " The pleasure is all mine. " We stop shaking hands and Sasha rolls her eyes. " What's with the fancy talk? " She says and I laugh so does Anne. Sasha sits next to me and Anne across. We sit and talk till the bell rings. 

-After school-

Once school was done I went back home as normal with Marky tagging along. " So I heard you and the Waybright had a sleepover, how'd it go? " He says raising an eyebrow. I Give him an unamused expression as I look back ahead of me, " It went fine, it was just for studying anyways. It got late so I stayed over, nothing more nothing less. " I say and he nods. " Is that so? " I nod back at him still not looking at him. " So do you like her? " He says, " Yeah she's pretty nice, plus being funny and a good friend. At least from what I've seen so far. " He lets out a groan. " No not that kind of like, I mean like like. " He says as I turn to face him. I shake my head no, " No I don't, she's just a friend nothing else. " " Are you sureee? " He says drawing out the e. I now let out a groan as I turn to face him. " Yes I'm sure Marky, even if I did it's none of your business. " He makes a pouty face at me and crosses his arms. " Hey I was just curious, if you do like her though, tell me I can help. I got some experience with women. " He says with a cocky grin.

" I'll keep that in mind. " I say wanting to get this conversation over with. He smiles a genuine smile as we keep walking.  He started talking about random things. Once we made it home I started doing my schoolwork only to realize a certain blonde texted me.


Got a new one out since I missed yesterday I doubled the amount of words :>

{Word count-812}

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