Chapter 22

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-Marcy's Pov(Heyo I'm alive)-

 Me and Sasha were laying in bed talking. It was getting late, the sun down moonlight illuminating the room. I yawned and rolled over to my right side, facing Sasha. She turned her head to face me, " You tired? " She asks and I nod, she nods back. " Can we cuddle? " I ask slightly nervous. She smiles and nods. I smile back and lean my head onto her chest/shoulder area and pull my arms up to my own chest. I feel her put her left arm around me. I close my eyes and go fall asleep.

-Timeskip to morning-

 I wake up with a yawn. I feel Sasha's arms still around me as I look up to see she was on her side hugging me from the front. It felt peaceful and warm, it made me want to go back to sleep and stay in her embrace forever. I feel her shift and I open my eyes and look up to see her waking up. She looked down at me and smiled sleepily. " Morning Mars. " She said and I smiled, " Morning Sash. " She kisses my forehead before getting up and stretching, I blush slightly.

 " Well today I take you on the best date ever. " She says with a smile. " I'll hold you to it. " I say with a laugh she laughs as well. I sit up and look at her clothes then back at her. " You need a change of clothes. " She hums in response, she looks towards my clock then back to me. " It's only 10 now so I'll go home and pick you up at 12. Sound good? " She says and I nod, " Sounds great. " She kisses my check before getting up and grabbing the clothes she wore yesterday. " Great, walk me home? " She asks, I nod, " Sure! " I say with a happy smile getting up and grabbing jeans and a hoodie.

 She leaves the room and comes back shortly after with her clothes on and her hair done. We put on our shoes and start walking. We make it to her house too quick for my liking. " Alright this is it, bye Mar-Mar. " She says and gives me a quick kiss before walking into her house I wave and she waves back.

 I head home and start getting ready. I shower and pick out a simple but comfy outfit. It was a black hoodie from my favorite game a green plaid jacket and some ripped grey jeans. I wait for Sasha to text me she's here and head out. My breath is taken away as I see her outfit. " Ready to go? " She asks, I smile and nod,  " You look beautiful. " She blushes an smiles saying thank you and a you too. And with that we begin our walk to town. 


Sooo a chapter after being gone for like 8 days. In my defense I was watching and reading yuri so.....yeah

{ Word count-494}

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