Chapter 12

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-Marcy's Pov-( I have decided to show random photos at the start of each chapter sooo get ready for that)

After that little 'moment' it was quite as we were both working and lost in our thoughts. I never knew studying with someone could be so nice. It was peaceful and we could help each other out if needed, even if it was Sasha that needed the help more than me.  " Hey Mars what's 21x43? " Sasha asked. " 903. " I said as I kept writing. She nodded, " You know you're like a human calculator. " She said with a chuckle. I laugh a little, " Kind of yeah. "  

-At the end of lunch- 

It was nice and quite till the bell ruined the silence. We started packing our stuff up. " Oh right! I have the skirt from yesterday, I washed it when I got home so it's clean. " I said as I took the pink skirt out of my bag and handed it to her. ' oh right, I almost forgot about that. Thanks Mars. " She said taking it from my hand, our hands touched causing me  to blush slightly. She seemed to have not noticed the subtle contact. I shook my head trying to get the blush to go away. Sasha gave me a weird confused look, " You good Mars? "

We finished putting our books away and walked to our lockers together. As we arrived I started putting my bag away and getting the books I needed for my last two classes. I heard talking and saw two people I never saw before started talking to Sasha. She didn't turn around to face them peaking my curiosity, I glanced at her face and she seemed annoyed. I turned my focus back to my locker but couldn't help listening in. " So what do you say? " The one boy said with a cocky smirk. I took a better look at them, the boy who spoke had messy brown hair and hazel eyes. The other had curly blonde hair with brown eyes and he was pretty pale compared to the other boy's tan skin. They reminded me of the main love interests in a teen rom-com.

I made pfft like nose as I thought of it making both the boys and Sasha look at me.  " got something to say? " The brunet said losing his smirk replacing it with an annoyed almost offended look. I shook my head, " No no I was just thinking of something funny. " I said this only seemed to aggravate them. " What was it then? " The blonde one said crossing his arms. " Why do you care? " I ask crossing my arms to in a surprisingly brave move. " Just tell us shorty. " He said, I might be short but I'm not that short even if these guys look way taller than me. " Cut it out Tanner. " Sasha said just as the brown haired boy opened his mouth to speak Sasha cut him off, " You to Cardin. " The boys looked shocked, the blonde one I now know of as Tanner spoke up, " Why do you care? " He said uncrossing his arms. 

" She's my friend you idiot. " She said making me chuckle, I shut up immediately as they both shot their heads to me. " What ever, how about that date though? You never said yes. " Cardin said smirking putting his right hand on her locker leaning on it. Since the way the boys were standing he slightly pushed Tanner back. Sasha rolled her eyes, " Yeah it's a hard no. " And with that she walked away. I smiled seeing their shocked faces and laughed. Cardin straightened himself up before shooting me a killer glare. I stopped laughing and closed my locker having got my books, " Imma go too. " I said walking backwards before speed walking off to class. 

-After school-

Me and Sasha were walking out together. She said bye to her friends and Marky was walking with us slightly behind. Turns out we go the same way her house is just farther down. " So we still on for later? " She asks and I nod, " Yeah 4:30 right? " I ask. that would give us 2 hours to do schoolwork. She nods, " Yep. There's this new café that opened it's a cat café, I thought you'd like it. " She says and my eyes light up I nod frantically. " I love cats! " I say my eyes shinning with gleam. Her face blows up in blush as she looks away.

-Sasha Pov-

Oh my frogs! Why'd she have to look so cute when she smiles like that. I tried to calm down since her brother was right behind us walking but my blush wouldn't go away. I cleared my throat before looking back at her smiling. " I heard they have good drinks and desserts. " I said her eyes started to sparkle even brighter. " I can't wait! " She said I nodded and looked ahead. We kept small talk till we parted paths and I counited on my way home. 


Well that was longer than I meant it to be, I just got in the writing mood at the end there. I may or may not have named the one guy Cardin cause he reminded me of Cardin from RWBY. RWBY has been on my head all week ok? 

( Neo best girl)

{Word count - 874 }

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