chapter 02: The hit

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Previous line:
"No ones ever killed a night fury, that's why i'm gonna be the first."
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"Man the fort Hiccup. They need me out there." Gobber demands changing his hand to an axe. "Stay. Put. There. You know what i mean." Gobber yells, lifting his arm up and running out. After making sure said viking was far enough away, Hiccup grabs his contraption and runs out of the blacksmiths.
"Hiccup what are you doing? get back here!" a man yells
"Yeah i know." he responds.
"hiccup!" a woman yells
"Be right back!" hiccup yells back. Dragons approach a flock of sheep and the chief throws a net over them, a few other vikings helping pulling them down.
"Mind yourselves! The devils still have some juice in them!" Stoick yells, before getting shoved by a creature, along with the others. As for hiccup he was at a clearing, setting up his contraption and aiming at the sky, waiting impatiently for something to pass by.
"C'mon give me something to shoot at, give me something to shoot at..." Hiccup repeated. A dragon roars aloud and a call was heard in the distance.
Hiccup looked around at the sky, hearing a dragon approach and hearing something swoop towards him. The dragon was divebombing when hiccup got ready to shoot.
The dragon sets yet another watch tower alight and passes by with a silhouette flying above it, gold eyes glowing. Hiccup shoots at the dragon and demon and somehow gets them in the same go. They fall off raven point and a scream was heard. "Oh i hit it...YES I HIT IT!! Did anybody see that?!" Hiccup yelled out, not noticing the monstrous nightmare creeping up behind him. Hearing a crash, he turned around and saw said dragon. "Except for you..."
Next thing hiccup knows he's running away from the dragon screaming. Stoick notices this and sighs.
"DO NOT let them escape!" Stoick yells, going after his son.
"Right" a man yells.
The dragon growls at hiccup, firing at him when it had the chance. Hiccup yelps and screams, hiding behind a post, panting. The dragon fires at the post and hiccup covers his face with his forearms instinctively. Slowly looking from behind the flames, the dragon looks from the opposite way and almost snaps at the boy when the chief got there just in time. The dragon roars at him and tries to fire at him but only a small spew came out of its mouth. The dragon burps and realises that he's—
"You're all out." Stoick punches the dragon, grunting. And the dragon flies off.
"Oh and there's one more thing you need to know." Stoick turns around, the pillar falling down as it burns. The top of the torch falls and rolls gods knows where, people exclaiming and yelling as it passes. Hiccup cringes deeply. "Sorry...Dad..." Hiccup apologised. As the top of the torch continues to roll, the sun rising.

"Okay but i hit a night fury." Hiccup speeds over his words, his father grabbing him from the scruff of his tunic. "It's not like the last few times dad! i mean i really, actually hit them! You guys were busy, and i had a very clear shot! it went down just off Raven Point. Let's get a search party out there before

"STOP! Just stop. Every time you step outside disaster follows. Can you not see that i have bigger problems? Winter is almost here and i have an ENTIRE village to feed!" Stoick yells at the boy.
"Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding don't you think?" Hiccup replies.
"This isn't a JOKE Hiccup!" The chief groans. "Why can't you follow the simplest orders?"
I-i can't stop myself. i see a dragon or demon and i have to just...kill it you know? Its who i am Dad!" hiccup gestures.
"Oh you're many things, Hiccup. But a dragon killer is not one of them, let alone a demon! Get back to the house" The chief tires. The chief looks to Gobber "Make sure he gets there! i have his ness to clean up." Stoick glares at his son and walks away.
"Quite the performance." Tuffnut comments as hiccup and gobber walk by.
"I've never seen anyone mess up that badly! That helped!" Snotlout mocked
"Thank you, thank you. I was trying." Hiccup said in a monotone voice. Gobber raises his arm and shoves Snotlout away from them.
"Ow!" Said boy grunts then chuckles.

"I really did hit one." Hiccup tries.
"Sure, Hiccup." Gobber responds, not believing the boy.
"He just never listens!" Hiccup refers to his father.
"Runs in the family."
"And when he does it's always with this disappointed scowl, like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich.
'Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid you've brought me the wrong offspring! I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side! This here? This is a talking fishbone!'" Hiccup imitates his father, looking down sadly.
"Now, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like, it's what's inside that he can't stand." Gobber tries to reason. Hiccup gives him a 'seriously?' look.
"Thank you, for summing that up." He responds, sarcasm evident.
"Look, the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not."
"I just wanna be one of you guys." Hiccup opens the door to his house and goes inside. Gobber sighs but turns and walks off.

Little did he know that a curtain boy was leaving outside the back of the house.

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