Chapter 09; Everything You Know About Us Is Wrong.

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"Little did they know is that the village elder saw the whole thing."
At the cove, Hiccup sat on the ground in front of Vìneya, watching as she made more arrows.
"Ftang nga." She commands.
"What?" Hiccup didn't understand what she was saying. Vìneya groans and points to her eyes the points away.
"Look, do you want to learn english?" Hiccup offered. Vìneya looked at him with curiosity. What was he offering?
"Aynga nume Na'vi." She responded.

"Okay...well let's start with hello." Hiccup started leaning into the syllables for her to learn only to find she knew almost immediately. A while later, she knew the basics and she was now teaching him. Vìneya pointed to his nose.
"On-tu." Hiccup repeated the word and then Vìneya pointed to his eye.
"Nari or Menari."
"Nariii" She pointed out the last syllable.
"Naliii" Hiccup feels a whack to his cheek and instead pronounced it correctly. Vìneya smiled and nodded.
"Yes. You get there." Her accent was thick but was understandable. Hiccup chuckled with her when her ears twitched.
"We learn more tomorrow, you must go. They look for you." Hiccup didn't teach her those words yet but listened to her and went home.
A day or two later, Hiccup had made a saddle for Toothless and went to the cove to put it on him. Instead getting a game out of it, Toothless decided to make Hiccup chase him. Vìneya got involved and the saddle was on in less than thirty seconds.
In an attempt to fly with Toothless above the lake, Hiccup tied a rope to a part of the tail and pulled it where he 'wanted' it to go but instead falls into the lake.
Hiccup was back in the blacksmiths and made something to keep him on the saddle when he flew.
Hiccup had tied the rope to his ankle this time and Vìneya had followed them. Suddenly, Hiccup made a wrong move and both him and Toothless crashed into the ground.
Hiccup got up to find Toothless and Vìneya rolling around in the grass.

"Dragon nip." Vìneya tells him. Hiccup nods and takes some clippings.
The gronkle was back out and on a rampage. It approached Hiccup as he held up the dragon nip. The dragons pupils broaden as it sniffs the plant.

Hiccup rubs the said herb around the dragons nose and it falls onto its side.
Vìneya was watching as the boys flew while tied to a tree trunk. She hears the rope snap and runs after their retreating figures.
"Alright?" While she didn't know much english, she asked Hiccup many questions before.

They find out Hiccup is now attached to the night fury.

"Oh...great." Hiccup mutters.
A viking walks by in the night with a torch.
"Hiccup." He greets. Hiccup waves and drags Toothless into the blacksmiths. Once in the said building, Toothless spots a basket but throws it away when he realises there were no fish.

Astrid, who was walking peacefully, heard the ruckus and went to check it out.
"Hiccup? Are you in there?" She calls out. Hiccup freezes and goes through the small doors that were there for a window.
"Astrid, hey. Hi Astrid. Hi Astrid." Hiccup stutters as a sheep spots Toothless and walks away slowly.

"Okay usually i don't care what people do but you're acting weird!" Astrid accuses. Hiccup starts rambling and Toothless, being as petty and sassy as he is, pulls him back through. Astrid moves the doors only to see no one there.

The boys fly off back to the cove.
The ships make it back to the docks and Vikings help each other on.

"I'm guessing you found the best at least?" Gobber hopes.
"Not even close." Stoick replies. When a hoard of happy and excited vikings walk toward him.

"Oh! Congratulations Stoick! Everyone is so relieved!"
"No one will miss that old nuisance."
"Out with the old and in with the new right?"
"The village is throwing a party to celebrate!"

Stoick, now worried for his son, looks to Gobber.
"He's gone?" Stoick asks.
"Uh...yeah, most afternoons but who can blame him? He can barley go anywhere without being swarmed by his new fans." Gobber explains. A hand lands on his shoulder.
"Hiccup?" Stoick asks. Not believing that they were talking about the same boy.
"Who would've thought it, eh? He has this way with the beasts."
Meanwhile, on the farther side of the island. Hiccup was in the air with Vìneya behind him.
"Okay guys, we're gonna take this nice and slow." Hiccup said. The boy had a 'cheat sheet' clipped to his saddle.
"Here we go. Here we go. Position three-no four." He moves his ankle and the tail fin stretches out.

Toothless gets a determined look on his face and flies with ease.
"Alright it's go time. It's go time." Hiccup mutters. They dive down and Vìneya hold onto him.

They fly above the water and Toothless splashes the surface with his wings. Sea stacks stood tall and birds flew above.
"Yes! It worked!" Hiccup tries to steer Toothless only for him to hit a sea stack.
"Sorry!" The same this happens again.
"That's my fault." Hiccup feels a sack on his head and in his face.

"Relax." Vìneya tells him, she plants her hands on his shoulders. Hiccup relaxes and let Toothless have some control over where they were flying.

The next moments happened in a blur. One moment the trio were ascending the next they were all flailing in the air apart from Vìneya. She scooted forward on the saddle, grabbed Hiccup, grabbed his arms, wrapped them around her waist and pulled up, The trio glided down towards more sea stacks at an alarming pace.

They all had looks of fear on their faces. Vìneya had only one person in her mind and that's when she guided them through the rocks and out to safety.

Hiccup sits up and raises his arms.
"YEAH!!" Vìneya mimicked his actions and Toothless let out a blast.
"...come on." Hiccup says dejectedly.
Hiccup shakes his head and looks to Toothless who offered him some half-eaten fish.
"No thanks. I'm good." Terrible terrors appear and start stealing Toothless' fish until Vìneya came out of nowhere and hissed at them. She then steps over Toothless, picks up Hiccup effortlessly and placed him in her lap.

"W-what are you-"
"Sh." She shushes him and starts braiding a part of his hair. He goes to touch his hair only to get a swipe of the wrist.

"So, why were you with the dragons at the raid?" Hiccup asks her. She looks at him and sighs.
"My home were attacked. We seek uturu from dragons. We get back who we can. But we hide from her."
"I pray to Eywa, you never see her."

"You're just protecting yourselves." Hiccup muttered.
"Everything we know about you guys, is wrong." Vìneya lies her head onto his and he tenses up.

Vìneya couldn't have felt better. She had friends, she flew for the first time in a while, could it get any better.

She sat there with the boys.

Her boys.




(A/n: SURPRISE!! Vìneya is na'vi!! You heard it here first folks! Anyway hope you're enjoying so far! Any idea and requests will be appreciated!)

Everything we know about you is wrong (Hiccup x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now