Chapter 14: Careful

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"She grabs his arm but were consumed by the flames."
Stoick runs through the foggy, ashy sky, shouting out for his son, worrying for his only child.

"Hiccup! HICCUP! Son!" Stoick turns to see Toothless on the ground...moving not a single muscle. "No..." He runs over to the dragon scanning for his son, only to see that the torn up saddle and dragon held neither a Na'vi, or a boy. Stoick mutters under his breath and falls to his knees.

"I did this..." Greif. That's all that was felt. Astrid pushed through the growing crowd. Seeing there was no one but Toothless and Stoick. She felt devastated.
Toothless wakes and looks at him.

"I'm sorry. I had no right to do what I did." Stoick placed a hand on Toothless' head when suddenly...

"Wait whose that?"
"Is there more?"
Stoick looked up and Toothless turned to see a silhouette in the ashes. Vìneya to be specific.

"Vì!" Astrid shouts out. Said girl came into their sights and everyone saw the bruises, wounds and burns. She fell down. Astrid felt worry for her friend and Stoick went over to her.

"You're still bleeding? I thought they made it stop."
"Skxawng." She told him. When she unwrapped her arms and showed...

"Hiccup!" Stoick grabs the boy and checks him over for any wounds and bleeding. Most of which had been inflicted upon Vìneya. He takes off his helmet then placed his ear on the boy's chest.

"Oh! He's alive! You brought him back alive!" Stoick felt nothing but happiness in that moment. But I'm afraid fate wasn't on many sides here. Vìneya started wheezing.

"Vì?!" Astrid runs over to her friend to see she'd lost a lot of blood, her skin had paled and her eyes were loosing their colour. "We have to go! She won't last long." Then everything went black.

Hiccup lies in a bed in his house. A knock is heard on the door to see a crouched Na'vi woman.
"How is he?"
"He's okay, should wake soon. How's she?"
"Too soon to tell."

Everyone leaves the house and Toothless stays. He sniffs Hiccup which wakes him up.
"Hey Toothless." Said dragon nudges against the boy, happy to see that he's alive. "I'm happy to see you too bud. Now just-" Toothless steps on an...untold place and Hiccup sits upright with a yelp.

"Uh...I'm in my house...Y-You're in my house. Does my dad know you're here?" Toothless ignores Hiccup and runs around the room excitedly. Somehow, Toothless ends up on the beam of the roof.

"Okay, okay -- no Toothless! Aw, come on..." Hiccup moves to get out of bed but pauses. Somethings wrong. He removed the covers and saw...a prosthetic leg. Toothless gets down from the beam as Hiccup sets his feet on the ground. Said dragon sniffs the leg then looks up at Toothless. He takes a deep breath and stands from the bed.

Hiccup moves to walk but instead falls and Toothless catches him. Hiccup thanks him and they both make their way to the door. Hiccup opens it to see an Ikran. He slams the door shut.

"Toothless? stay here bud." Hiccup opens the door again to see a Na'vi he freed smiling at him.

"Come on guys get ready! Hold on tight here we go!" Snotlout yells from afar. Hiccup lets the door shut and sees Vikings, dragons and Na'vi alike sitting together, flying together you name it! To say Hiccup was astonished was an understatement.

"I knew it. I'm dead." Stoick laughs as he approached his son.
"No but you gave it your best shot. So what do you think?" Vikings rush over as he walks with his son. "Turns out, all we needed was a little more of...this." He gestured to Hiccup.
"But you just gestured to all of me." Stoick nods with a smile.

Astrid punched his shoulder.
"That's for scaring me."
"Mawey Astrid, he can't help it." A certain voice said from the bottom of the hill.

"Vìneya!" Hiccup straight up runs to the woman and hugs her best he could. Astrid following after, knocking down the girl.

"Careful! Careful!" Stoick warned. He knew how his son felt about this girl.

Hiccup loved her.

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