Chapter 10: What is this feeling?

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"She sat with the boys.
Her boys."
Just before night fell, Vìneya, Hiccup and Toothless went back to the cove and Hiccup was taught more Na'vi and more about Vìneya.

"So how does everything work?" Vìneya thought for a moment before speaking.
"You know you have..."
"A chief?"
"Srane! Chief. We have Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk. Ours now is Mo'at and Eytukan. They have 'ite Silwanin and Neytiri." She explained while Hiccup looked at her and was in his own world. He was wondering how she could look-

"Would you like to see them?"
"Oh! Y-yeah! Who wouldn't?"
"One day! Almost eclipse. Must go." Vìneya ushers him away and Hiccup runs off. She climbs into the tree and thought about how he'd react. How her people would react.
Hiccup fiddles with a pencil while thinking about Vìneya. Until his father walked in.

"Dad! You're back! G-Gobbers not here so..." He was shoving his drawings of both Toothless and Vìneya away and closes his sketchbook.
"I know, I came looking for you."
"Y-You did?"
"You've been keeping secrets."
"I-uh I-I have?"
"Just how long did you think you could hide it from me?" Stoick says in a stern tone.

"I-I-I don't know what you're-"
"Nothing happens on this island without me hearing about it."
"So...let's talk about that dragon." Hiccup's hand slips on his sketchbook as he starts rambling.
"Oh gods. Dad i'm so sorry i-i was going to tell you i just-" Stoick starts laughing hysterically, confusing Hiccup whom chuckles nervously.

"Y-you're not upset?"
"WHAT?! I was hoping for this!"
"Uhhh...y-you were?"
"And believe me, it only gets better! Just wait 'til you spill an Nadder's guts for the first time! And mount your first Gronkle or demon head on a spear? What a feeling! You really had me going there son!" Stoick shoved his son backward who falls into a trash can that was there.

"All those years of the worst Viking been has ever seen! Odin! It was rough! I almost gave up on you, and all the while you were holding out on me OH THOR, ALMIGHTY! Ah! With you doing so well in the ring, we finally have something to talk about." Stoick sits down on a stool with a beaming smile on his face waiting for his son to spill the 'gnarly' details. Only to get an extremely awkward silence.

"Oh. Here. I uh i brought you something." Stoick pulls out a helmet with a crooked horn on the side. He straights out the horn to look like the other. "To keep you safe. In the ring."

"Wow. Thanks." Hiccup looks at the helmet and placed his hand on the top...until he found out it was half of his mother's breast plate.

"Matching set. Keeps her...keeps her close y'know. Wear it proudly, you deserve it. You've held up you're end of the deal." Hiccup placed the helmet down and then let out an exasperated yawn.

"I should uh..get to bed right about now."
"Yes alright. Good talk."
"Yeah yeah i'll see you back at the house ok uh thanks for stopping by and for the uh...breast hat."
"Hope you like the uh..the hat. I'll uh...yep goodnight." Stoick leaves the room and sighs along with Hiccup.
The morning before dragon training, Hiccup grabbed an apple and went to the cove.
"Vìneya? Hey, I brought ya breakfast!" Vìneya hangs from a tree branch with some cooked fish in her hands. "And you've got some."

"Come." She grabs his arm and pulls him into the tree.
"I've gotta tell you what happened last night! So my dad comes into the back of the blacksmiths-" Some cooked fish gets put in his hands.

"Have." Vìneya tells him, a kind smile gracing her face. She then puts him in her lap and braids his hair again.

After Hiccup explained it had already been time for him to go.
"I'll see you later okay?" Vìneya grabbed his hand.
"Careful at the ring." Vìneya then helps him down and smiles at him. Hiccup runs off flustered.
Again, the Gronkle was the dragon of choice, except the whole village was there, and had already taken out everyone apart from Astrid and Hiccup who were hiding behind a barrier (again don't know what it's called)

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