Chapter 06: Making Progress

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"A moment later a silhouette of a flying being is seen."
Once again, in the arena Hiccup stands in front of a wall holding and axe and his shield again and instead of fighting the dragon, he decides to talk to Gobber.
"Hey, you know. I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there like another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?" Hiccup asks these questions and, oh so coincidentally, gets his axe blasted.

"Focus, Hiccup! You're not even trying!" The Deadly Nadder jumps down from a wall in front of Hiccup and runs toward him. "Today is all about attack!" Gobber lectures. The dragon roars as it chases its target. "Nadder's are quick, and light on their feet. You're job is to be quicker and lighter!" The Nadder prepares its spines and shoots them at Fishlegs who have put a yell as they hit his shield.

"I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" Ignoring Fishlegs, Gobber starts talking again.
"Look for it's blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it and strike!" The twins freeze in front of the nadder and just so happen to be in its blind spot. The dragon snarls and Ruffnut groans.

"Do you ever bathe?"
"If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot." Tuffnut shoves his sister back and they start shoving their heads together....literally.
"How about i give you one?!" Ruffnut threatens.

This grabs the attention of not only the dragon but something lurking around the arena. The nadder growls and fires it's blast at them.

"Blind spot: yes. Deaf spot? not so much." Gobber chuckles. Hiccup stops in front of gobber AGAIN.
"Hey, so how would one sneak up on a night fury or 'demon'?"
"No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale NOW GET IN THERE!"
"I know. I know but hypothetically"
"Hiccup! Get down!" Astrid warns him.

Large footsteps and a quiet growl is heard. Astrid stays back against the wall and uses her shield to flip over and across, snotlout copying her movements. Hiccup on the other hand...wasn't so lucky.

A guttural noise was heard and something or someone almost pounced on him before he ran off. Snarling was heard by all the teens and large footsteps.

The Nadder stood on the walls of the maze and jumped down in front of Astrid, whom prepared to throw her axe to get nudged by Snotlout.
"Watch out babe, i'll take care of this." Snotlout grunts as he throws his hammer at the dragon only for it to miss. "The sun was in my eyes Astrid!" The two teens run the opposite direction of the dragon which came racing at them. "What do you want me to do? Block out the sun? I could do that but I'm too busy right now!"

Astrid let's out a yell as The Nadder sets its target on her. The girl starts jumping between walls, the dragon following after her.
Walls start falling and teens start yelling. Hiccup keeps talking to Gobber and teens start nudging past him.
"Hiccup!" Gobber shouts in a warning tone. The wall behind the boy falls as he turns.
"HICCUP!!" Astrid falls onto Hiccup as they both fall into a tangle of limbs.

"OoOh love on the battlefield." Tuff teases.
"She could do better."
Hiccup tries to talk to Astrid but instead she ignores him and pushes him down while to gets up.

The Dragon starts running toward them and Astrid gasps in response. She acts on 'instinct' and grabs her axe tugging on Hiccups shield with it as it'd gotten stuck while she fell. She steps on the boys face and pulls the shield off of him. She hits the dragon with the shield and it crippled down in pain as it walks away. Astrid couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt but shakes it off and faces the boy the was shielding his head with his arms.

"Is this some kind of a joke to you?! Our parents war is about to become ours, figure out which side you're on!" Astrid threatens him. The teens walk out while Hiccup stays, thinking about what she said.
Hiccup stays behind two rocks in the cove with a shield in front of him. He sticks his head out and throws a fish and an apple out onto the ground.

He looks both ways after not seeing any movement. He walks forward with his shield and ends up getting it stuck between the rocks. He crawls underneath and tries to yank the shield towards his body only to find out it's stuck. The boy turns with a blank, disappointed face. He picks up the fish and apple and walks into view.

Little did he know that in the tree the being stood and on the rock behind him the dragon lay.
The beast snarls lightly and crawls down as the boy turns around with a gasp. The dragon maintained feline like movements and notices the fish. It starts walking forward when it also remembers the dagger.

It snarls and the being in the tree started to glare and grabbed its weapon.
Hiccup realises what it saw and moves his coat to reveal the dagger. The dragon snarls again.

The being kneels in the tree aiming it's arrow down at the boy. It pulls back the arrow but pauses at his next move.
Hiccup takes out his knife and dropped it at his foot. The dragon moves it's head towards the lake and hiccup picks up the dagger with his foot and tosses it into the water. The night fury sits like a cat and his pupils broadened.
The being placed down its bow and arrow when it spots the apple. It was quite hungry...maybe this boy wasn't so bad?

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